Thursday, 20 February 2014

Southampton with Kristine!

Kristine is my favourite ginger in the whole entire world. We went to school together for three years and know a lot of the same people and I'm really grateful that we've been able to keep in touch as well as we have, even though I've moved to England and she's moved to Oslo. Yesterday evening, she came to visit and she's staying until monday morning, and I think we're going to have a lot of fun! 

Today, we've spent the day in Southampton, shopping. Love shopping. Can't really afford it, but who gives a shit, I can starve for a month or so, no problem! I think the thing I'm definitely most pleased about is the dress I got. It's black, blue and white and I would post a picture but it's in my dresser and I can't be bothered getting out of bed, haha. Also got this pyjamathingy, look how cute!

Yes, the camera on my phone makes everything look green... I'm having it fixed in june, though, so hang in there! 

Kristine got a penguin onesie, and looks hella cute, wouldn't you say?

I also got my conch pierced today! Haven't taken a picture yet, because getting a new piercing has kind of stopped being that big a deal, to be honest. Not that I'm not freaked with exitement over it, because I am, but it's a usual thing by now, if that makes any sense. 

When we came back to Winchester and had put all our stuff away, we changed and did our makeup and then headed down to the pub. I think it's some kind of curse or something, but the people I have had visiting me have had to meet the weirdest people that Winchester has to offer.. I mean, the originals give the place a bit of charm, but it's a bit too much charm in one go, by my opinion. 

Tomorrow we're going to my (favourite) lecture and then we're going into town so that Kristine can see the beautiful place that Winchester really is. She came yesterday evening and today we've been to Southampton, so she hasn't really seen that much yet. 

After a day of walking around Southampton, we're both really tired, so I don't think it will be that long until we turn off the lights and say goodnight. 

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