Thursday, 6 February 2014

It's raining, did you know?

When I told people back home that I was moving to England, almost everyone said "are you mental, rain is all you get over there!" When I went back for christmas, I told them that they were wrong, that England isn't half as bad as they said it was, because last semester the weather over here was really nice! Now on the other hand, I'm starting to think that there's a reason why people say taht it rains a lot in England. It's raining all day every day, it's really windy, it's freezing cold and all my converse has holes in them.. I know that doesn't technically have anything to do with the weather, even though my feet does get soaking wet every time I leave the house at this point, but I thought since I was already moaning, I might as well mention the thing that's annoying me the most!

The slightly depressing view from my room! 

That was really English of me, wasn't it? Both moaning and talking about the weather at the same time, I think I'm getting the hang of this! 

Anyway, I've just finished the second day in the 30 day challenges, and I think it's going well, so far! Todays sets looked like this:

60 high knees
40 climbers
20 sit ups
8 crunches
8 leg raises
15 sec plank
Push ups

I definitely think the squats were the hardest today. Yesterday I divided the set of 50 reps into 2x25 and that was no problem, but today I followed the rules and did 55 concecutive reps and my legs are killing me. However, all in all it is going great and I actually think I can do this! 

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