Monday, 17 February 2014

A long day that turned out not to be so long after all.

That might have been the blog post title of the year, haha!

I was finally able to sleep around half 5 last night. I had to get up at 8 to get ready for lectures.. 2,5 hours of sleep should be enough, right? I put on the baggiest pair of sweats I own, a big jumper and a scarf, put some makeup on random places on my face and concidered myself ready for 6 hours of lectures.

On my way to the first lecture, I stopped by the italian cafè on campus to buy their entire stock of energy drinks and realised that my visa card was in my other purse. I had enough coins for one energy drink and so I bought that and went to the first lecture.

When I had downed half the energy drink, my heart started beating like crazy and I realised that in the lack og sleep and motivation this morning, I forgot to take my heart medication. Fleeting images of me lying on the floor with students and lecturers and paramedics all around came floating to the surface of my brain and I could definitely feel the stress level rising. However, midway through the first lecture, half the class started laughing and talking and it turned out that the professor in the second lecture was feeling sick so the lecture had been cancelled! the lecture I was in finished at 11, so I walked with another Norwegian girl back up to my flat to get the medication. I'll tell you, that hill has never ever been that hard to walk!

Later on, we're doing a flat dinner with this girl that used to live here last semester. She's Norwegian as well and it'll be nice to see her again!

By the way, people reading this who understand Norwegian! Oslo Ess has just released a new record, check it out on Spotify or Wimp. It's called 'Alle hjerter deler seg' and is really worth your time!

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