Saturday, 1 February 2014

Harry Potter Drinking Game!


So, yesterday was fun! I finally managed to get myself back to the flat without drowning in the rain, and when I got there, me an Sharleen (she lives in the room next to mine in our flat), decided to do the Harry Potter Drinkng Game. The rules are fairly simple, you put on any Harry Potter movie, and then you drink according to the following rules until you are either too drunk or you've watched the whole movie:

1 drink if:

  • Anyone is awarded house points
  • Hagrid talks about a magical creature
  • Harry is mistreated by the Dursley's
  • Someone casts a spell
  • Madame Hooch is on screen
  • A flame of any sorts is in the shot
  • Draco sneers at anyone
2 drinks if: 
  • House points are taken away
  • Neville does or says anything stupid
  • A character's pet is mentioned by name
  • Professon Flitwich is on screen
  • Professor McGonagall says "Potter"
  • Crabbe and/or Goyle are on screen
  • Draco says "mudblood"
  • Harry is on a broom
3 drinks if:
  • Hagrid says "I shouldn't have told you that"
  • Professor Snape looks down his nose at someone
  • Hermione raises her hand in class
  • Hermione says "Hogwarts... A history" 
  • Professor Sprout is on screen
  • A painting talks
  • An owl makes a delivery
4 drinks if:
  • Fred and George say a sentence in unison
  • Professor Dumbledore shares a knowing glance with Harry
  • Harry mentions his parents
  • Harry mentions Sirius
  • Someone says "Voldemort"
  • Harry faints around a Dementor
  • Ron says "Bloody hell!"
  • Ron is jealous of Harry
  • You see a house elf
  • Harry cries
Chug your drink if:
  • Harry saves the day
  • Harry catches the snitch
  • Voldemort is on screen
In other words, you need a lot of alcohol and you need to be really into Harry Potter, neither of which is a big issue for me. We only did the first movie and the first two sets of rules, and that's a good thing, because we were giggling before they had started the sorting at Hogwarts.. 

This is Sharleen yesterday, about half way through the movie. Packed into her raindeer onesie, drinking raspberry vodka and coke! We had been giggling for quite a while when I took that photo, haha! 

This is the first time I've ever done the HP drinking game, and I think (hope) that I'll be able to do it again, it's a fun way to get really drunk, haha! 

I've been a Harry Potter fan for ages. 11 years I think it's been, actually, since I first started reading the books. I have absolutely no idea of how many times I've read the books or seen the movies, but they never get boring! 

All crazy fangirls needs some proof of her insanity that she can easily carry around with her where ever she goes. This is mine. I'm probably adding to this tattoo later, putting in a crown with a W inside it, because "Weasley is our king" and all that. 

I'll do a post at some other time, with pictures of my other tattoos and piercings when I get around to it! Don't know if that's at all interesting to anyone else but me, but that sucks for you, doesn't it? :)


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