I see myself as a quite positive person, or at least I try to be, but there's still a lot of things that annoy me to the point where I feel like I'm going to snap and destroy the entire universe. These are some of them.
1. "I don't mean to be rude, but.."
Have you ever experienced that burning feeling you get in your stomach when someone says "I don't mean to be rude, but..." and then proceed to say every mean thing you've ever thought about yourself as if saying that they don't mean to be rude gives them every right to be just that - rude! If you're going to be rude to me, just be rude and get it over with, don't hide behind an excuse. Especially not that bad of an excuse.. I'm a big girl, I can take an insult or two. Besides, if you have the need to be rude to me, it might just happen that I don't need you in my life anyway, so you might as well just get your thoughts out in the open before we part ways.
2. People that can't sing but think they can and therefore sings all the time
Now, just to clarify, I'm not talking about those that know they can't sing, but still do it because it's ironic and funny. I'm talking about those that can't sing but think that they can. Those that will volunteer to perform at school gatherings like the christmas play or graduation and then leave the entire audience in a feeling of shame and awkwardness.
Being in the audience while someone truly terrible is on stage acting like they're on the verge of winning Britain's Got Talent is comparable to running on a treadmill. Time stands still. It seems to go on forever and the world just stops in awe of this one person that's so tone deaf that they can't tell that they're unable to hit a note to save their life. And it goes on and on. They never stop because they don't realise how horrible they sound until someone tells them! And if you were to tell them that they suck, it would usually be with the good old "I don't mean to be rude, but..."
3. People that fish for compliments
I'm going to use music to explain this one as well because there was this girl in the choir I was in last semester and she drove me nuts. She was an average singer, she hit the notes almost all the time, but there was nothing special about her voice and she didn't have any more knowledge than anyone else. However, during breaks she would sit there singing to her self while looking around the practice room, hoping that someone would compliment her voice. It really annoyed me because I really wanted to tell her that she didn't sing as well as she thought she did, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings and I didn't know anyone in the choir, so I didn't want to be seen as the mean girl. Obviously, I didn't say anything, but when you have an average voice and you're in a choir, that pretty much means that you're about as good as everyone else in there, and none of us are going to praise you for your average skill. Sorry.
I'm not trying to bash on this girl, there's loads of other examples, but this was the first thing I could think of.
4. People that don't use turn signals while driving
You get in your car. You grab the steering wheel. Right next to the steering wheel, there's this little lever. Do you know what it does? It's a turn signal. It was made to make you able to tell other drivers where you are planning to go. You are also required to use them each time the situation calls for it.
When you were getting your drivers license, I'm willing to bet my right pinky (yes, the one I pinky swear with) that you were taught how to use turn signals. All I want to know is why you stopped. Not using turn signals not only annoys other drivers when you suddenly slow down to change direction, it's also quite dangerous. For instance, if your brake lights stop working while you're driving and you don't use your turn signals, there's a fair chance that I will hit you in the rear end because tehre were no indications of you slowing down until your car were suddenly on my hood. Also, you will get the blame for the accident because you couldn't signal what you were planning to do. Just saying.
Turn signals are there for a reason, people!
5. "Do you know what's in that?"
Yes, I do. I know that there's way too much fat in this piece of food that I've decided to devour. I know that by eating this one additional piece of unhealthy heaven, I will have eaten more calories than I should today. I DO know that it's not healthy. But do you know what? I'm trying to do something about my weight problem. I'm working out and I'm eating healthier than I have in a long time. So get off my back, you don't know what else I've eaten today or this week or this month. The key to a healthy life is to do everything in moderation. If you go from surviving on cheeseburgers, chips and beers to living like a rabbit, eating only lettuce and carrots, you're not going to be able to make the change permanent. Therefore, If you see me eating a candy bar or having a slice or two of pizza, it's because I've deserved it and because I'm doing things moderately. I'm eating healthier food than what you see me eating at this moment. So before you say "do you know what's in that," "you know how many calories are in that, right," or "are you sure you want to eat that" think it through and I hope you come to the conclusion that you should shut the f*** up.
6. Beliebers
I realised that this was getting more serious than first intended, so I'll talk a bit about beliebers to even things out.
First of all. Justin Bieber has a good voice. He's a talented singer, I'm not having a go at him per say. But seriously, something has got to be done about his fans! Most of you will probably remember that Justin was arrested not too long ago for driving under the influence of alcohol and illicit drugs as well as drag racing. It's bad enough that this 19 year old kid thinks he owns the world and can do what ever he pleases, but some of his fans actually performed the amazing task of saying that Justin wasn't driving under the influence or breaking the speed limit! I've also seen tweets by beliebers saying that "he's just 19 years old, he's allowed to make mistakes." Well, you know what? He's not, actually! There's laws saying that you're not allowed to make these mistakes, no matter the age! Drag racing is dangerous enough when you're sober, but this stuck up little brat were drunk AND high!
I'm of course not saying that all beliebers defend him in everything he does, but the people that thinks he can do no wrong needs a reality check. Sooner rather than later.
I'm of course not saying that all beliebers defend him in everything he does, but the people that thinks he can do no wrong needs a reality check. Sooner rather than later.
7. Chapped nailpolish
All girls have this issue. You spend 45 minutes putting on the perfect nailpolish in your favourite colour and it perfectly matches your outfit for the evening. When the last top coat has finaly dried, giving that poster perfect finish, you're all set to go. You put on your coat and leave the house and everything is good.
You get to wherever you're going, maybe you order a drink and I swear to thor that by the time you've found a seat, the nailpolish has chapped. Not a lot, and only on one finger, but the game is up. You just know that that one little place on that one nail where you can peel the nailpolish off will haunt you for the rest of the night until you finally give in and start messing with it. And when you've ruined one, you might as well pick on all of them until your nails look like this and you're just that tiny bit angry with yourself because you couldn't resist.
8. Window shopping
We've all been there. In town or at the mall with friends or family but too broke to actually buy something. All you're left with is window shopping, which is bad enough. I can't possibly be the only one that thinks going to the mall without buying anything is a waste of time? I mean, you're surrounded by cool clothes, thousands of shoes you're dying to try on and so much make up that you're sure you might need for that one party in three months time.
What's so incredibly typical on these occasions is that if you can be 750% sure that the mall is filled with all the stuff you've always needed in your life without even knowing it. It's absolutely amazing how much stuff you like when you go shopping while you're broke. And that's not all. 9/10 times you go window shopping, everything you've ever wanted is being sold 50% off. The frustration builds up as you pass all the clothes that might as well have your name written on them until you just want to curl up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor, crying your eyes out.
I can also pretty much gurarantee that when you finally have the money to go shopping and buy all the stuff you found that day, it's all either out of stock or there's nothing left in your size.
9. Washing your hands while waring long sleeves
You know what I'm talking about, right? You're wearing your favourite hoodie and you're just going to wash your hands before having dinner. I can with and almost fool proof guarantee say that one out of two things will happen.
1. You forget to roll up your sleeves before putting soap on your hands. Rolling up one sleeve isn't a problem, because you've only got soap on one hand at that moment, but rolling up the other one is a challange. So you try to hook the end of the sleeve on your pinky to try to pull it up. It works until you get to the elbow, and while you're trying to pull the sleeve around the corner of your elbow with all the power your poor little pinky can muster, the soap drips from your hand onto your jumper and then you're in the exact situation you wanted to avoid in the first place.
2. You remember to roll up the sleeves before putting soap on your hands. You turn on the water and bend down slightly to wash your hands. However, the opening of the sleeves are a few millimetres too big to keep in place, and the movement in your arms while your washing your hands cause the sleeves to slowly descend. You notice this and try to get all the soap off your hands before you're stuck with wet sleeves, but the more vigorously you wash your hands, the more you move your arms and the faster the sleeves roll themselves down. Finally the sleeves unroll fully, but you're only halfway done washing your hands, so you have to make a decision. You either finish washing your hands and risk wet sleeves or you try to get as little soap on them while trying to roll them up with your pinky. If you choose to try to roll the sleeves up with your pinky, we all know what's going to happen. That's right, see option 1.
10. Creating a new password
When I was buying the plain tickets before moving to England, I created a profile with the airline, since I knew that I was going to be doing a fair bit of flying the next few years. I think the first password I tried out was hannegrethe. Your own name should be simple enough to remember, so that's what I chose.
"Your password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 upper case letter and 1 number from 0-9."
Fair enough. "HanneGrethe1510" then. My birthday is the 15th October, by the way.
"Your password cannot contain your name."
Okay.. HGR15101994. This had better work!
"Your password cannot contain your initials."
Dammit... Better get creative! HRog151094
"Your password cannot contain your date of birth."
At this point I was more than ready to throw the computer out the window, but since I'd just payed £800 for it, I contained my emotions and kept going. In the end I think I ended up with something like WinchStud16Norway or something similar. In other words, completely forgettable and when I was looking at plain tickets back home for christmas, I didn't have the faintest idea of how to log in...
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