Thursday, 6 February 2014

Quadruple 30 day challenge!

I might be in over my head on this one, but I'm going to give it a shot! Today I start my quadruple 30 day challenge. There are two rules where these challenges are concerned:
  1. The reps are to be done continously without brakes. (I started the squat challenge with a brake in the middle of the set to get an easy start, but counting tomorrow, I'm following the rules)
  2. Rest every 4 days.
I'm doing cardio, squats, abs and push ups (for beginners, haha)! The reason is that by doing squats, abs and pushups I'll work on the biggest muscle groups and thereby get a lot higher metabolism. Cardio is also a great way to burn calories, in addition to the fact that I have the lung capasity of a four year old and really need to do something about it! 

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This is some of what I have to look forward to for the next 30 days! 

The great thing about doing more than one challenge at a time is that you essentially end up with a full work out, pre planned for 30 days. If you're then able to stick to the plan you'll get in shape quickly, especially if you haven't been working out a lot previous to the challenge and that makes it easier to keep going after the first 30 days are up! 

Today's workout wasn't all that big, but that'll change quickly enough! 

40 high knees
20 climbers
15 sit ups
5 crunches
5 leg raises
10 sec plank
I did 2x25 to get an easy start
Push ups
3 push ups

The total work out took me all of 15 minutes and I think that's another thing that's so great about these challenges, that you get a small work out (a little is a lot better than nothing) that's easy to fit into a busy schedule. Obviously, as the days progress the workout gets bigger and takes up more time, but since the first few days are so small, it's easy to get a good start, and as soon as the first week is over, it shouldn't be that hard to keep going (I hope)! By the way, don't judge me based on how very few push ups I'm able to do, it'll get better! 

I really hope that I'll be able to finish this, and to help me keep going when it gets tough, I've decided that I'm not allowed to get another piercing until I've completed this. Those who know me, or follow me on instagram or twitter knows that piercings are a big thing in my life. I have 20 at the moment and I have a few more planned, but for the next 30 days, my skin stays needle free! Also, I have 30 days to save up the money for it, because last semester I got 6 new piercings and that was a big reason why I had to go through 10 days where I didn't have enough money to eat properly. In other words, a win-win situation! 

Now I'm going to have a shower before my whole flat comes home from BOP, a weekly party at the Student Scene. Love being home alone, because that means I can listen to music as loud as I want while showering, without annoying Sharleen (who lives in the next room) to death! I was supposed to go to pre drinks and BOP with the criminology class, but I'm tired and I've been out a lot lately, so I dropped it. Kind of wish I hadn't, because I want to get to know my class better, but hopefully there'll be another chance some other time! And we're going to study together for 2,5 more years, so I somehow have a feeling that we'll get to know each other some where along the way. 

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