Friday, 28 February 2014


I came across this video while procrastinating on Tumblr. Seriously, watch it! Takes you about 6 minutes. I might only find it funny/informative/whatevs because it's really late, I'm really hyper and I should be doing something useful, but there you have it.


The best thing about this film is that it gives a clear definiton of the constitution of rape.

"Any sexual activity where one part has not giver their consent or has revoked it, is sexual assault or rape. What is consent? Consent is a willing, sober, continous YES."

"Well, that's sex. 1. use protection. 2. Don't break the law. 3. Remember, you're normal, what ever you're into. Even if that's nothing. Good luck getting lucky!"

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Stretched ear lobes

I've been thinking about getting another jewelry box just for my tapers, plugs, eyelets and so on. I've got about a million piercing jeweleries already (I'm exaggerating, don't worry mum, I spend my money on food as well, promise), and since I'm going to have to buy bigger jewelry the bigger my earlobe gets (only stretching the left one for now), it will take up more space and I should probably get another box.

This is the box I have now. 

Top row right to left: straight barbells (tongue piercings), blue straight barbells, nose piercings, taper set, plugs+eyelets
Mid row right to left: curved barbells (belly button piercings), curved barbells with decorations, circular barbells, CBR's, labrets, spare labret balls, industrial/scaffolds
Bottom row right to left: locks for 'regular' ear studs, big ear studs, mid sized ear studs, small coloured ear studs, pearl ear studs

In the "stretched ears" department, these are the stretching tools and jewelry I have at the moment:

Taper set, 14G (1,6mm)-00G (8mm). The 10G (2,5mm) taper is 
missing from the picture because I'm using it.

One thing about tapers. They are not jewelry. You're not supposed to walk around with them, you're supposed to use them as a tool to stretch the piercing to become big enough to put a plug or an eyelet through it.

14G (1,6mm) plug.

12G (2,0mm) plug

10G (2,5mm) single flared eyelet. 

Eyelet's are what some people call tunnels. You don't put a tunnel in your ear, you drive through it. The hollow thing you put in your ear is called an eyelet, capiche? 

Two 8G (3,2mm) plugs and a single flared 8G eyelet.

Eyelets can be either single or double flared. You couldn't tell too well on the other picture, but if you look closely on the eyelet in this picture, you can see that it's wider in one end than the other and that the other end has got an O-ring on it. If it was double flared, it would get wider in each end, but you need to have a looser piercing to wear double flared eyelets. 

Single flared 4G (5,1mm) eyelet.

At the moment, the short term plan is to get to 10G (2,5mm), and that's what I'm doing now. I'll have to let it rest for about a week or two before going further to prevent any tearing in the earlobe. (I'll get back to that). My long term plan is to get to 00G (8mm). I'm not sure if I'm going to go bigger once I get to 00G, because it's hard to shrink back to regular size when you go bigger than 00G, and seeing as I'm aspiring to work with crime scene investigation, I'll probably want to have a more professional appearance. At least I know my mum would want me to, haha!

Anyway, back to the original issue. Since I have 21 piercings and therefore need all the other jewelry as well, I'll probably need to buy another box when I've been stretching for a while. I'll be buyng bigger plugs and stuff, and they'll take up a lot of room, so I might as well, right? Luckily, they're not all that expensive, I think I payed £5 for the one I have on Ebay. I get most my piercing jewelry from Ebay, by the way. It's cheap, it's delivered quickly and as long as you stick to metal stuff and don't go wandering into the world of plastics, you will probably not get cancer from the stuff you buy there. 

Right, I'm going to stop procrastinating. I have an assignment due monday and so far all I've done is research and spider charts and whatnot. Have a feeling that sunday night is going to be a long one if I don't get started today.. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Having a bad day?

We all have bad days. Days when everything goes wrong and you can't seem to do anything right. Those days you when you wished you hadn't gotten out of bed, but had stayed in with a cup of tea, chocolate and a good tv series or a book. However, there's something you can do to improve your mood a little on those days.

Make a crappy day-jar!

Write down the good stuff that happens in your everyday life on little notes and put them in the jar. This way, when a day comes along when you just want to curl up under the covers and eat your weight in chocolate, you can read about how amazing your life is and it'll make everything a little bit better.

Here's some of the things that has made it into my jar.

Kristine was the Norwegian girl that lived in out flat last semester.

Make your own crappy day-jar, I swear, it works! :)

Monday, 24 February 2014

Isn't this just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

These postits were all over the mirror in the girls bathroom in one of the buildings on campus today. They are made and put up by an organisation called Heads Up Winchester, who's working to "encourage positive mental health and promoting the wellbeing services that are available to our students."

Check out their facebook page!!/HeadsUpWinchester

My days with Kristine!

I know I haven't been writing a whole lot lately, but I don't have that many readers anyway, so I hope not too many people have been upset.

Anyway! the last few days has been a lot of fun. Kristine and I went to Southampton to shop, we went out drinking (she and Liva drank while I watched haha) and we've been out to eat, a lot. As I've already said (I think), we went to Southampton to shop on wednesday, which were a lot of fun, I think we probably cleared out about a quarter of all the clothes in Primark, haha! We went to Nando's for dinner that day, and if you read this, Sharleen, you are right, Nando's is heaven on earth!

In Southampton I also had my Conch pierced (I think I might have mentioned  this before), but because my phone has decided to act like an idiot, I can't show you a picture, unfortunately.. Some day, when I get a phone that works properly, though!

Wednesday night, we had a quiet night in my room with some girl talk, facials and other stuff. Lots of fun and the sort of thing I wish we had the time to do a bit more often, just hanging out looking horrible together! 

Thursday, we went to my lecture. It was fairly interesting, to be honest. It was about female criminals and how they are treated very differently to male criminals. The bad thing about the lecture was the fact that the lecture room was so hot you could fry an egg on the chairs in there.. Anyway. Afterwards we went home to mine to get ready and go to the pub. Kristine got to meet some of the very, very special people that hang around in there sometimes as well as some of my closest friends. All in all, a good night, I think!

Me and my ginger before hitting the pub! 

We also went to Southampton saturday night for a night out. We started at the Hobbit, a bar that's inspired by the Lord of the Rings. They have 8 pint sized drinks named after characters and such from the movies and it seemed like a really fun place to hang out! I had a Gollum, which was really good! I'll write down the recipe for it in the end of the blog post. We then went wandering around looking for a couple of places that Live had been reccommended, but we couldn't find it and ended up getting the bus to the train station and then we went home to Winchester. Finally back, we headed down to Alfies, one of my favourite pubs in the whole world! We had a lot of fun and I love that Liva, who's one of my best friends in England and Kristine, who is one of my best friends in Norway, went along with each other so well! I love them both to bits and being able to hang out with both at the same time was amazing!

At Alfies, you can buy these wristbands (the pink one was for last semester, the blue one is for this semester) that gives you a lot of great discounts if you show then to the bartender when ordering drinks! I'm collecting them, haha!

From saturday when we went out in Southampton. 

This is the dress I was wearing! Got it at Primark in Southampton, 
think it was £7 or something. 

Yesterday we didn't really do much. We ordered some food for breakfast and then we slept for another 2-3 hours. I was really tired since we had been up all night and Kristine was really hungover, so it took a while before we were able to function properly. However, when we finally did, we went down to Queens to ask Liva if she wanted to hang out and then we went to Wetherspoons to have dinner. They have the most amazing double bacon cheese burger and I know that I'm supposed to be eating healthy and all, but I really needed that! When we finished dinner, we went down to Alfies again just to hang out and wait for the coach that Kristine was getting to Gatwick to get there.

All in all I've had some really great days with some of my favourite people, so I'm very happy at the moment! Really looking forward to visiting Kristine for a few days in Oslo before going home for easter, we are going to see Oslo Ess live at Rockefeller, it's going to be AMAZING! We've been to see them once before and they have jsut come out with a new record, so that's going to be one fantastic night!

Today I've been trying to be a bit productive. I've cleaned my room since two girls in a single room creates a lot of mess. I started taking all my clothes out of my closet to fold them so that they'll be easier to find in there when Liva sent me a message asking if I wanted to go to Cyber Italia with her around half 5-6. I then abandoned the clothes on the floor and went to make dinner. I thought I'd post the recipe for this amazing little dish on here, so that you guys can try it out for yourself, because this is simply too good to keep to myself!

Looks amazing, right? It was! 

Chicken stirfry with mango chutney sause

What you need (2 portions):


1 pack instant noodles, chicken flavour
4-500 g chicken filet
300 g oriental stirfry mix (peppers, onion, sweet corn, bean sprout, sweet peas)

Mango chutney sause

2-3 tbs mango chutney
4 tbs soy sause
2 cloves of garlic
1/5 lime
ground cumin

What you do:

  • Put on the noodles like it says on the package.
  • Dice the chicken filet. When you're done with this, the noodles should be done (especially if meat knife is as dull as mine..)
  • Cut up the garlic and mix with mango chutney, soy sause, the juice from the lime and spices in a bowl. Put the vegetables into the bowl as well and mix it all.
  • Fry the chicken in two batches in a frying pan until it's brown and crispy. when the chicken is done, put it in a pot.
  • Put the vegetable mix and noodles together in the frying pan to mix it and heat it up a bit. When you've done this, if your frying pan is big enough, put the pieces of chicken back into the frying pan to mix with the sause and vegetables. If your frying pan is the same size as mine (too small, that is), put the vegetable/noodle mix into the pot with the chicken to mix it.
  • Serve! 

If you want to serve it with a really cool drink, here's how you make a Gollum! 

This is what you need:

Bols blue
Orange juice
Sprite or lemonade

Here's what you do:

  • Put ice in a big glass (pint)
  • Pour 2 oz (or as much as you want really) of bols blue into the glass.
  • Throw in some orange juice until the drink has a lovely green colour.
  • Top it all with lemonade or sprite.
  • enjoy! 

Right! I'm heading down to Cyber Italia with Liva in a little while, so I'm going to put my face (mu make up) on and then go do some real work. 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Southampton with Kristine!

Kristine is my favourite ginger in the whole entire world. We went to school together for three years and know a lot of the same people and I'm really grateful that we've been able to keep in touch as well as we have, even though I've moved to England and she's moved to Oslo. Yesterday evening, she came to visit and she's staying until monday morning, and I think we're going to have a lot of fun! 

Today, we've spent the day in Southampton, shopping. Love shopping. Can't really afford it, but who gives a shit, I can starve for a month or so, no problem! I think the thing I'm definitely most pleased about is the dress I got. It's black, blue and white and I would post a picture but it's in my dresser and I can't be bothered getting out of bed, haha. Also got this pyjamathingy, look how cute!

Yes, the camera on my phone makes everything look green... I'm having it fixed in june, though, so hang in there! 

Kristine got a penguin onesie, and looks hella cute, wouldn't you say?

I also got my conch pierced today! Haven't taken a picture yet, because getting a new piercing has kind of stopped being that big a deal, to be honest. Not that I'm not freaked with exitement over it, because I am, but it's a usual thing by now, if that makes any sense. 

When we came back to Winchester and had put all our stuff away, we changed and did our makeup and then headed down to the pub. I think it's some kind of curse or something, but the people I have had visiting me have had to meet the weirdest people that Winchester has to offer.. I mean, the originals give the place a bit of charm, but it's a bit too much charm in one go, by my opinion. 

Tomorrow we're going to my (favourite) lecture and then we're going into town so that Kristine can see the beautiful place that Winchester really is. She came yesterday evening and today we've been to Southampton, so she hasn't really seen that much yet. 

After a day of walking around Southampton, we're both really tired, so I don't think it will be that long until we turn off the lights and say goodnight. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

A long day that turned out not to be so long after all.

That might have been the blog post title of the year, haha!

I was finally able to sleep around half 5 last night. I had to get up at 8 to get ready for lectures.. 2,5 hours of sleep should be enough, right? I put on the baggiest pair of sweats I own, a big jumper and a scarf, put some makeup on random places on my face and concidered myself ready for 6 hours of lectures.

On my way to the first lecture, I stopped by the italian cafè on campus to buy their entire stock of energy drinks and realised that my visa card was in my other purse. I had enough coins for one energy drink and so I bought that and went to the first lecture.

When I had downed half the energy drink, my heart started beating like crazy and I realised that in the lack og sleep and motivation this morning, I forgot to take my heart medication. Fleeting images of me lying on the floor with students and lecturers and paramedics all around came floating to the surface of my brain and I could definitely feel the stress level rising. However, midway through the first lecture, half the class started laughing and talking and it turned out that the professor in the second lecture was feeling sick so the lecture had been cancelled! the lecture I was in finished at 11, so I walked with another Norwegian girl back up to my flat to get the medication. I'll tell you, that hill has never ever been that hard to walk!

Later on, we're doing a flat dinner with this girl that used to live here last semester. She's Norwegian as well and it'll be nice to see her again!

By the way, people reading this who understand Norwegian! Oslo Ess has just released a new record, check it out on Spotify or Wimp. It's called 'Alle hjerter deler seg' and is really worth your time!

Can't sleep to save my life

I have no idea about what to blog about at the moment, so I'll do an "ask me" sheet, so that you might get to know me a bit better. There might be some surprises in here for people that know me as well, actually! That sounded really stuck up, but you know what I meant.

1. Is this the best year of your life?

If we're talking about school years, then yes, definitely. I do miss the people I used to go to school with and I somewhat miss living with my parents just for the sake of being able to see them every day, but as far as independence, responsibility and adventures goes this has definitely been the best year of my life.

2. What was the first thing you did when you woke up?

I checked Sims on my tablet. I started playing a few days ago and I'm totally hooked at the moment!

3. The person you like is..

.. probably not going to read this, but I don't want to take any chances. We don't know each other that well and I wouldn't like to be portrayed online without any say in what goes into the text, if I were in his shoes. Let's just say my closest friends knows who it is and that I like him a lot.

4. Is anything bothering you?

The only thing that I keep thinking about is that I don't know what I'm going to do for mobility during summer vacation. I mean, I know that it's probably good for me, not being able to go anywhere by car because it will save me a lot on fuel and shopping expenses, and my parents have said that they won't mind driving me to and from work even if I do have night shifts, but I'm not sure I'm going to have the heart to ask them to come pick me up in the middle of the night two nights a week for four months.. And also, my dad will be at sea for a lot of that time, and I think that's way too big a burden to put on my mum.

I get that the doctors took my drivers license away because of secutiry matters, to make sure I won't hurt myself or others, but it still sucks. It takes away every sense of independence and adulthood that I feel like I have when I'm at home. I didn't feel independent at all until I got my drivers license and was able to go where I wanted, but now that's been taken away. I've understood that to get it back, I'll have to pass the same test that I had done over christmas and I'm dead scared that I won't. I can't go without a drivers license for ever, because I love driving so unbelieveably much and all my friends from back home can vouch for that being the truth! I just hope this nightmare will be over in a year.

5. Does anyone annoy you? 

I'm not going to answer that, because if there's anyone I'm annoyed with, I'd rather take it up with them than to have them read some text on my blog, realise it's about them and feel hurt. Let's be grown up about stuff like this, shall we?

6. Would you like things to go "back to normal" with a certain someone?

Yes. I think everyone has someone in their life that they wish things would go "back to normal" with. However, because of the reasons listed in No. 5, I want to do my best to not tell my side of the stories in any drama I might be having in my life on this blog, because I would rather talk it out with them than to have them read my side of the story here and maybe get the wrong impression.

7. What was the last thing you did before going to bed last night?

Brushed my teeth, undressed, put on my obnoxiously big t-shirt that I usually sleep in, and went to bed.

8. Is life good?

Life would be better if I still had my drivers license and was allowed to drink, but other than that, life is good!

9. Do you remember who you liked on New Years?

I don't think I liked anyone on New Years, really.

10. Do you still like them? 

Since I didn't like anyone, I can't still like them, can I?

11. Do you still speak to them?

Same as above.

12. Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? 

Yes. 8th December 2012 me and the girl that are coming to visit on tuesday, Kristine, went to Tønsberg (about 9 hours of driving from where we live) to watch our favourite band, Oslo Ess (who's coming out with a new record today by the way!), perform. My parents thought I was at Kristine's place and her parents thought that we were at another friends place, while really, we were 9 hours away in her dad's brand new car. It was undoubtedly the most fun road trip I've ever been on!

Fun fact from that trip: It was -26 degrees celsius and Kristine thought it was a good idea to wash the car. Not in a carwash, by hand, outside a gas station somewhere in between where we live and Tønsberg. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the customers and staff in the gas station when we tried to wash the car when it was 26 degrees below the freezing point!

13. Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips? 


14. Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?

You can just tell that some of these questions are designed to create drama! The answer is boring, it's no. The last girl I had a conversation with was Sharleen, and I love her to bits!

15. Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? 

I wouldn't go out with just anyone, since I'm dating someone, and if he asked me if I wanted to go do something right now I would have probably said no, seeing as it's 2AM at the moment and I have 9AM lectures tomorrow. However, if he turned up outside my door at this second, I would have to say yes, wouldn't I?

16. Three days from now, will you be in a relationship?

I doubt it. We are taking things very slow and I like it that way. Give it three weeks or three months, and the answer might be different!

17. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? 

No. I like the guy I'm dating and they wouldn't get anything from telling me except heart ache and a ruined friendship. However, what you need to get over someone is often a rejection, so it might help them move on to someone else.

18. Have you kissed anyone in the last month?

I haven't kissed anyone, but I've been kissed.

19. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?

Heart related issues.

20. Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out?

I absolutely love being home alone. I can listen to what ever music I want as loud as I want, I can sing as loud as I want without disturbing anyone, I can cook what I want when I want it, I basically don't have to take precautions about anything other than myself and my own needs and wants. Not that I have issues living with other people, but I'm looking forward to the day when I'm financially stable enough to have my own place.

21. Would you ever kiss someone you texted today?

Yes, definitely, and I hope it happens in the near future! *girly giggle*

22. Do you have any bruises at the moment? 

I have one on my thigh, but I have no idea how it got there.

23. How was 2011 for you?

I have a feeling this list is a bit old, haha! Let's see, 2011.. That year I did the last semester of year 11 and the first semester of year 12. I had a boyfriend who I loved very much and I think that on the whole, I was pretty happy that year. However, the relationship did start to get a bit shaky at the end of 2011 and we broke up in february 2012. Two years ago today actually, funnily enough!

24. How late did you stay up last night and why?

About 3AM, I think. Why? Because the lack of a firm schedule like the one I had when I had lectures all day every day followed by swimming practices and then work, has led to a tendency of being awake late and waking up in the middle of the day. I guess it's just how it is to be a student.

25. Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?

I wish.

26. Do you regret anything you've done lately? 

Not that I recall.

27. What woke you up today?

Not being able to sleep any longer.

28. What makes you happy?

A lot of things. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how lucky I am to have such a great life. By that, I mean how fortunate I am to have parents who are loving and supportive and to have a lot of friends who love me.

29. Ever kissed on a boat?


30. Have you ever been told that you are amazing?

Yes, actually!

31. Finish the sentence: the last person I kissed is...

... not likely to ever kiss me again.

32. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

No, I can't.

33. Do you like when people play with your hair?

Well, since the question is phrased like that, I'd like to specify that even though I do like it when someone specal plays with my hair, it's a whole different story if "people" does it. To all the random, to me unknown people in the world, if you play with my hair without permission, you will have an issue.

34. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?

I wish I could, but I have 9AM lectures, so I can't.

35. Waiting for something?

I'm waiting to have my drivers license back. Only 360 days to go!

36. Was last night terrible?

I don't see why it should have been, and no, it wasn't.

37. Did you lose friends when you started dating someone? 

No, I can't remember that happening to me. I think I had less contact with some of my friends in the "hoeymoon" stage of my relationship with my ex, but when we started calming down a bit, I realised that I should take better care of my friends, and we started having more contact again.

38. Are you the type of person that make people laugh?

I've been told that I am, but I'm far from a class clown.

39. Don't tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive?

The last person I texted was Sharleen and that bitch is hot! But I guess I'm supposed to talk about the guy I like and I think he's very attractive. He's also one of the last people I texted.

40. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? 

That depends on what state I'm in when I wake up. If I'm in that "what year is it, where am I, what's my name" state, it will definitely be a bad day filled with a lot of yawning and energy drinks. If I feel deceptively well rested when I wake up and the weather is nice, it will be a good day!

41. Are you missing someone?

I'm missing a lot of someones. I miss all my friends back in Norway, especially Camilla, who has cancer. I just want to wrap my arms around her and protect her from every thing that can go wrong in her life until she beats it, but I know full well that even if I did live at home, I wouldn't be able to.

I miss my parents and my brother like crazy, but I guess I always will as long as I'm not living there.

I miss the guy I'm dating because he's so lovely and sweet and kind and fun to be around.

I miss my nan because she's been gone for 10 years and I wish she could see how grown up I am now in comparison to before she died (granted, I was 9). I wish I could show her how well I'm doing on my own, making a life and a name for my self. I really hope she's proud of both me and my brother, where ever she is.

42. Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?

Not that I know of.

43. Do you believe in karma? 


44. Do you sleep with a fan on?


45. Do you think anyone is thinking about you right now?

I doubt anyone who would think about me is even awake to be honest. However, I do hope that the guy I'm dating thinks about me sometimes during the day.

46. Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now? 

Not really. I want to sleep.

47. Do you go to school?

I study BA Criminology at University of Winchester.

48. Is the person you last texted single?


49. Who was driving the last time you were in a car?

The taxi driver.

50. Have you ever used the word "rawr" in an actuall sentence? 

Haha, not that I can recall!

51. Are the blinds on your window open or closed?

Open on one, closed on the other.

52. Did you leave milk and cookies for santa when you were little? 

I can't really remember a time where I was all that obsessed with santa, to be honest. I do remember leaving a carrot outside the door for the easter bunny once, though.

53. What were you doing at 11 last night? 

I think that was when I left the pub to go home and watch the rest of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I know, I have an amazingly interesting life!

54. What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?


55. Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?


56. Someone knocks on your window at 5am, what do you say?

Dude, what the hell?

57. Would you change yourself for the person you love?

I guess I woul chance little things for the person I love, because you have to give to recieve in a relationship. However, major personality traits or similar stuff, he would have to live with. If he doesn't love those things, he's can't love the rest either.

58. Let me guess, the last incoming call was from the opposite sex?

Uhm, yeah, from my lil' bro!

59. What are you supposed to be doing right now?

I have 9AM lectures and it's 2.45AM at the moment. Guess!

60. Would you have sex with the 5th person on your contacts? 


61. To who did you last give the finger to? 

Probably Liva.

62. did your last kiss take place on a bed?


63. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?

No, I think I change a tiny bit depending on who I'm with.

64. Do you talk in your sleep?

Haven't heard anything.

65. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Yes. I do wish I would get to see my dad a bit more often, but he loves working at sea and the fact that he's away a lot makes the time we have together that much more special. Also, a lot of people don't even have a father, so I shouldn't complain that mine works at sea to earn a shitload of money to support my family.

66. What time did you wake up today?


67. What were you doing at midnight last night?

Looking for a website to watch the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

68. What song are you listening to?

Chester See's amazing cover of "One more night" by Maroon 5

69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the last five days?

Yes. I'm lucky like that, I have a lot of hug-ey friends.

70. How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?

Chocolate covered strawberries? Where? WHERE?

71. Do you have nice eyes?

My eyes are the thing(s) I like most about myself!

72. Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour? 

I haven't had my natural hair colour for years, thankfully!

73. Are you texting anybody?

Everyone else in my life are sensible people and have gone to bed, so no, not at the moment.

74. Do you swear in front of your parents?

Who do you think taught me most of it?

75. Concert tickets or NFL game tickets?

Concert tickets.

76. Do you tell your parents everything? 


77. Do you have any tattoos?

Yes, six! See the "Piercing & tattoos" page, the link is on the top of the blog home page.

78. If there was something wrong, who would be the first girl you'd go to? 

If it was very serious, like health issues or financial trouble, I would go to my mum (she's a girl too!) If it was manageable by university students who has recently, or not at all, left their teens I would go to Liva, Kristine or Camilla, or (most likely) all three.

79. Do you have any nicknames?

Hannah is a nickname. It's what people in England call me because Hanne Grethe, understandable enough, isn't pronounceable to them.

80. Will you forward this to other blog authors?

Probably not.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Going out into the storm

The weather outside is really bad. It's a lot like it is at home sometimes, which isn't exactly normal over here. The trees are bending in the wind and the rain is coming down in buckets, and what do we do on nights like these? We shove aside the fact that we have a cold and should stay in bed, and go out! I know I should probably stay in bed with a cup of tea tonight, but going out with friends, having a good time is a lot more tempting, so that's the plan!

Yesterday, I started the process of changing uni courses. I really enjoy studying Criminology and I wihs I could continue with it, but I'm scared I won't be able to get the job that I want with a BA in Criminology and an MA in forensic science, so in september I'm either transferring to 2nd year Forensics or I'm starting over to do a full BA in foresics. I'm really excited about it because forensic science is something that has fascinated me for years, and I hope that when I've made the change, I'll be happy with it and that with a lot of hard work towards my degree to get the best grade possible, I'll be able to get the job that I want. I'm not quite sure where I'm aspiring to end up yet, if I want to stay in the UK and work for New Scotland Yard or if I want to go back to Norway and work for Kripos, but there's a lot of time left to decide that.

A few days ago, I spontaneously ordered a stretcher set on Ebay. I'm not going big, just a few millimeters, but I'm really excited about it! I got the set today and was really surprised that I could go straing to the 2mm taper without having to put in the 1,6mm for a few days first, like you usually do. However, the labrets I've beeen using for a while is 1,5mm, so I guess I wouldn't have been that surprised if I'd given it some thought. What annoys me, though, is that I also bought some plugs to use between stretching periods, and they are 1,6mm, 2mm and 3mm and since the 1,6mm taper is too small, I won't be able to use the 1,6mm plugs at all.. I also bought a really cool marble taper, but that's 1,6mm as well... Oh well, first world problems, eh?

The 30 day challenge is giving me issues at this point. The sets yesterday were really tough and especially the squats and abs challenges are getting a bit much to handle and I sort of wish I had done them one at a time. Still though, I can handle it. We're talking about devoting 15-20 minutes each day to be in a bit of pain to get stronger, and that's not that bad. After all, I've only been at it for 10 days, giving up now would be nothing short of embarassing. It's all about will power, and there's no lack of will power in my mind.

I'm off to take a shower and then I'm going out with a bunch of Norwegian people! The weather will be a challenge, but at least I won't be drunk and make stupid decisions, so that's good at least! Maybe I'll put a picture or two on here from tonight, when I blog tomorrow :)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

10 annoying things.

I was thinking that since I've only been writing blog entries about my day to day activities and that kind of boring stuff, I should write about something that's actually fun.

I see myself as a quite positive person, or at least I try to be, but there's still a lot of things that annoy me to the point where I feel like I'm going to snap and destroy the entire universe. These are some of them.

1. "I don't mean to be rude, but.." 

Have you ever experienced that burning feeling you get in your stomach when someone says "I don't mean to be rude, but..." and then proceed to say every mean thing you've ever thought about yourself as if saying that they don't mean to be rude gives them every right to be just that - rude! If you're going to be rude to me, just be rude and get it over with, don't hide behind an excuse. Especially not that bad of an excuse.. I'm a big girl, I can take an insult or two. Besides, if you have the need to be rude to me, it might just happen that I don't need you in my life anyway, so you might as well just get your thoughts out in the open before we part ways.

2. People that can't sing but think they can and therefore sings all the time

Now, just to clarify, I'm not talking about those that know they can't sing, but still do it because it's ironic and funny. I'm talking about those that can't sing but think that they can. Those that will volunteer to perform at school gatherings like the christmas play or graduation and then leave the entire audience in a feeling of shame and awkwardness.

Being in the audience while someone truly terrible is on stage acting like they're on the verge of winning Britain's Got Talent is comparable to running on a treadmill. Time stands still. It seems to go on forever and the world just stops in awe of this one person that's so tone deaf that they can't tell that they're unable to hit a note to save their life. And it goes on and on. They never stop because they don't realise how horrible they sound until someone tells them! And if you were to tell them that they suck, it would usually be with the good old "I don't mean to be rude, but..."

3. People that fish for compliments

I'm going to use music to explain this one as well because there was this girl in the choir I was in last semester and she drove me nuts. She was an average singer, she hit the notes almost all the time, but there was nothing special about her voice and she didn't have any more knowledge than anyone else. However, during breaks she would sit there singing to her self while looking around the practice room, hoping that someone would compliment her voice. It really annoyed me because I really wanted to tell her that she didn't sing as well as she thought she did, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings and I didn't know anyone in the choir, so I didn't want to be seen as the mean girl. Obviously, I didn't say anything, but when you have an average voice and you're in a choir, that pretty much means that you're about as good as everyone else in there, and none of us are going to praise you for your average skill. Sorry.

I'm not trying to bash on this girl, there's loads of other examples, but this was the first thing I could think of.

4. People that don't use turn signals while driving

You get in your car. You grab the steering wheel. Right next to the steering wheel, there's this little lever. Do you know what it does? It's a turn signal. It was made to make you able to tell other drivers where you are planning to go. You are also required to use them each time the situation calls for it. 

When you were getting your drivers license, I'm willing to bet my right pinky (yes, the one I pinky swear with) that you were taught how to use turn signals. All I want to know is why you stopped. Not using turn signals not only annoys other drivers when you suddenly slow down to change direction, it's also quite dangerous. For instance, if your brake lights stop working while you're driving and you don't use your turn signals, there's a fair chance that I will hit you in the rear end because tehre were no indications of you slowing down until your car were suddenly on my hood. Also, you will get the blame for the accident because you couldn't signal what you were planning to do. Just saying. 

Turn signals are there for a reason, people!

5. "Do you know what's in that?" 

Yes, I do. I know that there's way too much fat in this piece of food that I've decided to devour. I know that by eating this one additional piece of unhealthy heaven, I will have eaten more calories than I should today. I DO know that it's not healthy. But do you know what? I'm trying to do something about my weight problem. I'm working out and I'm eating healthier than I have in a long time. So get off my back, you don't know what else I've eaten today or this week or this month. The key to a healthy life is to do everything in moderation. If you go from surviving on cheeseburgers, chips and beers to living like a rabbit, eating only lettuce and carrots, you're not going to be able to make the change permanent. Therefore, If you see me eating a candy bar or having a slice or two of pizza, it's because I've deserved it and because I'm doing things moderately. I'm eating healthier food than what you see me eating at this moment. So before you say "do you know what's in that," "you know how many calories are in that, right," or "are you sure you want to eat that" think it through and I hope you come to the conclusion that you should shut the f*** up.

6. Beliebers

I realised that this was getting more serious than first intended, so I'll talk a bit about beliebers to even things out. 

First of all. Justin Bieber has a good voice. He's a talented singer, I'm not having a go at him per say. But seriously, something has got to be done about his fans! Most of you will probably remember that Justin was arrested not too long ago for driving under the influence of alcohol and illicit drugs as well as drag racing. It's bad enough that this 19 year old kid thinks he owns the world and can do what ever he pleases, but some of his fans actually performed the amazing task of saying that Justin wasn't driving under the influence or breaking the speed limit! I've also seen tweets by beliebers saying that "he's just 19 years old, he's allowed to make mistakes." Well, you know what? He's not, actually! There's laws saying that you're not allowed to make these mistakes, no matter the age! Drag racing is dangerous enough when you're sober, but this stuck up little brat were drunk AND high!

I'm of course not saying that all beliebers defend him in everything he does, but the people that thinks he can do no wrong needs a reality check. Sooner rather than later.

7. Chapped nailpolish

All girls have this issue. You spend 45 minutes putting on the perfect nailpolish in your favourite colour and it perfectly matches your outfit for the evening. When the last top coat has finaly dried, giving that poster perfect finish, you're all set to go. You put on your coat and leave the house and everything is good.

You get to wherever you're going, maybe you order a drink and I swear to thor that by the time you've found a seat, the nailpolish has chapped. Not a lot, and only on one finger, but the game is up. You just know that that one little place on that one nail where you can peel the nailpolish off will haunt you for the rest of the night until you finally give in and start messing with it. And when you've ruined one, you might as well pick on all of them until your nails look like this and you're just that tiny bit angry with yourself because you couldn't resist. 

8. Window shopping

We've all been there. In town or at the mall with friends or family but too broke to actually buy something. All you're left with is window shopping, which is bad enough. I can't possibly be the only one that thinks going to the mall without buying anything is a waste of time? I mean, you're surrounded by cool clothes, thousands of shoes you're dying to try on and so much make up that you're sure you might need for that one party in three months time. 

What's so incredibly typical on these occasions is that if you can be 750% sure that the mall is filled with all the stuff you've always needed in your life without even knowing it. It's absolutely amazing how much stuff you like when you go shopping while you're broke. And that's not all. 9/10 times you go window shopping, everything you've ever wanted is being sold 50% off. The frustration builds up as you pass all the clothes that might as well have your name written on them until you just want to curl up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor, crying your eyes out. 

I can also pretty much gurarantee that when you finally have the money to go shopping and buy all the stuff you found that day, it's all either out of stock or there's nothing left in your size. 

9. Washing your hands while waring long sleeves

You know what I'm talking about, right? You're wearing your favourite hoodie and you're just going to wash your hands before having dinner. I can with and almost fool proof guarantee say that one out of two things will happen.

1. You forget to roll up your sleeves before putting soap on your hands. Rolling up one sleeve isn't a problem, because you've only got soap on one hand at that moment, but rolling up the other one is a challange. So you try to hook the end of the sleeve on your pinky to try to pull it up. It works until you get to the elbow, and while you're trying to pull the sleeve around the corner of your elbow with all the power your poor little pinky can muster, the soap drips from your hand onto your jumper and then you're in the exact situation you wanted to avoid in the first place.

2. You remember to roll up the sleeves before putting soap on your hands. You turn on the water and bend down slightly to wash your hands. However, the opening of the sleeves are a few millimetres too big to keep in place, and the movement in your arms while your washing your hands cause the sleeves to slowly descend. You notice this and try to get all the soap off your hands before you're stuck with wet sleeves, but the more vigorously you wash your hands, the more you move your arms and the faster the sleeves roll themselves down. Finally the sleeves unroll fully, but you're only halfway done washing your hands, so you have to make a decision. You either finish washing your hands and risk wet sleeves or you try to get as little soap on them while trying to roll them up with your pinky. If you choose to try to roll the sleeves up with your pinky, we all know what's going to happen. That's right, see option 1.

10. Creating a new password

When I was buying the plain tickets before moving to England, I created a profile with the airline, since I knew that I was going to be doing a fair bit of flying the next few years. I think the first password I tried out was hannegrethe. Your own name should be simple enough to remember, so that's what I chose. 

"Your password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 upper case letter and 1 number from 0-9." 

Fair enough. "HanneGrethe1510" then. My birthday is the 15th October, by the way.

"Your password cannot contain your name."

Okay.. HGR15101994. This had better work! 

"Your password cannot contain your initials."

Dammit... Better get creative! HRog151094

"Your password cannot contain your date of birth."

At this point I was more than ready to throw the computer out the window, but since I'd just payed £800 for it, I contained my emotions and kept going. In the end I think I ended up with something like WinchStud16Norway or something similar. In other words, completely forgettable and when I was looking at plain tickets back home for christmas, I didn't have the faintest idea of how to log in... 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Olympics day!

I was supposed to write this post yesterday but I fell asleep midway through it. I haven't really been sleeping much this weekend, so when I finally got home and went to bed, writing wasn't exactly my main concern.

Anyway! At the moment I'm sat with my computer watching the olympics in Sotchi. I had some issues getting the live streaming to work, but I figured it out just in time to watch Petter Northug in the quarter finals! Not that that was all that interesting, Northug really is dissapointing this year.. I mean, I know that he's been struggling with a virus, making him unable to train and stuff, but it's Northug. He's supposed to win, haha! Another thing that really surprised me was that Cologna AND Marit Bjørgen made the same mistake, causing them to fall and ruin their runs.. It was beginners mistakes as well! But I guess I shouldn't complain, since the womens sprint finals ended in a double Norwegian, gold and silver! Not to mention the gold medal Ola Hattestad took in the mens sprint final! Three norwegian medals in under half an hour is a good day, I'd say!

Anyway, enough sports. I don't really have any plans today. I have tuesdays and wednesdays off and since I've got a bit of a cough and a head ache, I'll probably stay in bed with a cup of tea, cookies and the Olympics.

Yesterday's bit of the 30 day challenges were a real pain. The squats are getting harder and harder to complete and the abs workout is killing me already. However, I did finish it all, and this was yesterdays set:

60 high knees
20 climbers
35 sit ups
15 crunches
15 leg raises
25 sec plank
Push ups

I'm already dreading tonights set, but at least tomorrow is another day off, so there's a light at the end of the tunnel! This is todays set:

80 high knees
40 climbers
40 sit ups
20 crunches
20 leg raises
30 sec plank
Push ups

I'm really happy that I have tomorrow off from the work outs, because since I also don't have lectures, I'll really have a day off, just to relax and do nothing. Can't wait! Even though I kind of want to go swimming.. Oh well, I'll figure something out!

Monday, 10 February 2014

My days with mum! And some other stuff.

I know I haven't been blogging this weekend, but I really feel like I have a good excuse! As I said last time I posted on here, my mum's been visiting this weekend. We've had a lot of fun and I thought I'd tell you a bit about it!

Yesterday I met her at the trainstation at about 11. We went back to my flat, where I showed here around for a bit and then we went to County Arms to have lunch! That's just one great thing about having parents visit, you don't have to pay for food! I mean, the best part of her visiting is obviously that I get to see my mum and have her all to myself for a couple of days just to talk and catch up on everything that's been going on here and at home, but free food is definitely a great perk!

Anyway.. I showed her around basically everywhere. Campus, the neighborhood I'm moving to before 2nd year, city center and everything in between. It was nice telling stories and showing her a bit of "my world" (as cheesy as it sounds). We had dinner in town and then we went back to my flat where we just talked about everything that's been going on both here and at home to catch each other up on everything that's been going on since I went back to England a month ago.

Today, we did basically the same thing. Went to town, did some more shopping and then we went to see the Winchester Cathedral. I've never been inside before and I regret that! It's really beautiful and it's so rich in local and not-so-local history! Hoping to go back, preferrably with a camera, to check it out again!

When we came back from the cathedral, we sat in my room talking for a few hours before I was going to walk her to the B&B where she's staying. When we were almost there, we met about half of my friends and decided to go to the pub with them! It was a bit awkward but a lot of fun and I got to show my mum that I have friends, haha! She also got to meet some of the "originals" of Winchester, which I hope didn't scare her too much! Hopefully, she's had a good time here, even though the reason for her coming over weren't all that great.

My mum! :D

We ordered chocolate cake for dessert after dinner today 
and it was every bit as delicious as it looks! 

This is from yesterday! Cocoa and coffee at Costa in town :)

Over to something else, then! I just finished todays part of the 30 day challenge. Obviously, since I'm supposed to rest every four days, I didn't have a work out yesterday, but todays was a pain. The cardio and push ups are still fine, but the abs are getting harder to do and the squat challenge is a real pain! However, I can already feel a change in the muscles in my legs and (I might be imagining it) I think it's a bit easier to walk up the hill from campus to my flat, which is definitely a motivation! The progression in the programs are hard, but hopefully I'll be able to see it through! 

This was todays programme:

60 high knees
40 climbers
30 sit ups
12 crunches
12 leg lifters
20 sec plank
Push ups

I was expecting to feel a difference when doing the work out programme now that I'm on beta blockers, but I didn't notice anything. I'm quite glad I didn't, because if they made it harder to work out, I would have to will my self that much more to do it.. Anyway, thought I'd try to explain how beta blockers work (as far as I've understoof). Since I'm going to be on them for a while, they'll probably be mentioned on here sometimes.

The hypothalamus in the brain sends signals to the thyroid to produce hormones. The hormones then gets released into your blood flow and attach themselves to receptors where they cause reactions. The beta-blockers take the hormones place on the receptors around the heart so that the hormones can't create a reaction. This way, since my condition is stress triggered, the hormones cause signs of stress in the rest of my body butu because the hormone receptors around the heart are unavailable, the heart won't react to the stress. Somewhere in there are also the explanation to why the beta blockers slow down the heart rythm, but I haven't quite figured out that bit yet, I just know how they stop the heart from speeding up due to stress, so I'll get back to you on that one. Anyway. I think the reason why I can't drink too much on these pills are because the heart rate isn't at it's normal speed. Since the heart isn't beating as fast as it usually does, the blood flow is slower and the cells get's less oxygen thereby slowing down metabolism. Since the uptake of alcohol in the digestive system is the same, I'll get drunk as fast but I'll get sober slower. Therefore, if I drink as much and at the same speed that I used to, I'll get drunker faster. However, I don't know if the beta blockers can cause me to have some sort of reaction if I drink too much, so I'm not planning on pushing the limits where my drinking is concerned. 

I guess there were some use in taking biology after all, haha! 

Before going to bed, I want to say one more thing. Today, actually for 56 whole minutes this far, it's my best friends birthday! She turns 20 and are now allowed to buy alcohol above 22% in Norway! So, happy birthday to the most awesome girl in the world, I love and miss you like crazy! 

She's coming to visit in just over a week, so I have a feeling her picture will be on here sooner or later, but here she is anyway, the birthday girl! 

I love you, hope you have a fantastic day! <3

Saturday, 8 February 2014

My mum is in England!

Tomorrow (technically today) at 11.05 my mum is going to be at Winchester train station! I haven't thought about how much I miss my family, since it's only been four weeks and I know I won't get to see them for another 8, but now that there's only 8 hours left until I get to spend an entire weekend with my mum, I'm buzzing with excitement! I'm not too happy about the fact that she wouldn't be coming if it wasn't for the fact that you're not allowed to send medication in the mail, but I'll take what I can get.

I can't wait to show her around in Winchester. Last time we were here together was the first time I had ever been here, and to think that we walked past so many places that day that I have come to love so much is nothing but surreal. Like when we walked down the high street, past all the shops and pubs that I've spent so much time in since I moved here! Or the fact that we had dinner at County Arms, not knowing how many hours I would spend there, starting just a few months later! I'm really looking forward to going to all of those places again and being able to tell her stories and show her what my life is like here. I'm also hoping she'll be able to meet all my friends so that she can see that I'm doing okay, that I have people around me that love me and that I love. Not that she thinks I'm a loner, but introducing her to all the great people I've met here will be really fun!

My mum! 

Today I haven't really been up to much. I had a lecture at 3pm so I got to sleep late and then I went home to change, because I had a date! But then it turned out that someone had jumped in front of a train so all the trains were cancelled, so we had to reschedule. Not that that's the saddest thing about that whole situation, I mean, someone took their own life just a few minutes walk from where I live, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I wasn't planning on thinking too much about that, however harsh that might seem.

Right now I've just finished doing the last bit of cleaning before tomorrow. My mum is coming by the flat, so I thought it might be nice if she didn't have to think that her daughter lives in a pig sty! Anyway. Before cleaning, I did todays part of the 30 day challenge. I think it's going well, but I'm definitely a bit sore from yesterday! Weirdly, tho, I'm not sore where I thought I would be. My arms, abs and legs are fine, but my back is killing me! However, that means that I'm strenghtening the muscles in my back, so I'm not too worried about that.

Todays set looked like this:

20 high knees
60 climbers
25 sit ups
10 crunches
10 leg raises
15 sec plank
Push ups

The squats were really hard today. As I said, my back is really sore from yesterday already so I'm really glad I have tomorrow off! The push ups weren't too bad, but I expect that will change in a while. The abs work out are definitely getting worse, tho. Leg raises has never been my favourite exersise, and I really felt the 10 I had to do today, but I'm trying to think positive and came to the conclusion that even though they feel horrible now, and even though they probably will throughout this whole challenge, at least I'm doing them and at least I'm giving it my best!

Right, it's half four and I'm still wide awake. Getting up at 10, so I guess I should go to bed!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Picture from last saturday

Last sunday I wrote about the night out we had on saturday, where I ended up being way too drunk for my own good. Too drunk for anyone's good, really.
Anyway, today, this picture se uploaded on facebook by Hollie, who lives in the flat where we had pre drinks. I can't remember this photo being taken, but it shows quite clearly that I had a lot of fun that night! I can't say that I think it's all that pretty, but since I've had a couple of Norwegian friends message me saying it's the most fun picture of me they've ever seen, I guess I short of have to Lee it anyway.
By the way, if anyone else in the photo want me to take it down, I'll delete this blog post.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

It's raining, did you know?

When I told people back home that I was moving to England, almost everyone said "are you mental, rain is all you get over there!" When I went back for christmas, I told them that they were wrong, that England isn't half as bad as they said it was, because last semester the weather over here was really nice! Now on the other hand, I'm starting to think that there's a reason why people say taht it rains a lot in England. It's raining all day every day, it's really windy, it's freezing cold and all my converse has holes in them.. I know that doesn't technically have anything to do with the weather, even though my feet does get soaking wet every time I leave the house at this point, but I thought since I was already moaning, I might as well mention the thing that's annoying me the most!

The slightly depressing view from my room! 

That was really English of me, wasn't it? Both moaning and talking about the weather at the same time, I think I'm getting the hang of this! 

Anyway, I've just finished the second day in the 30 day challenges, and I think it's going well, so far! Todays sets looked like this:

60 high knees
40 climbers
20 sit ups
8 crunches
8 leg raises
15 sec plank
Push ups

I definitely think the squats were the hardest today. Yesterday I divided the set of 50 reps into 2x25 and that was no problem, but today I followed the rules and did 55 concecutive reps and my legs are killing me. However, all in all it is going great and I actually think I can do this!