Friday 21 March 2014

Lecture, volunteering, town, monopoly, course change.


It's been a long day. Not long as in tiring, but long as in I've had a lot of things to do.

First of all I went to my Introduction to Criminology 2 lecture, which was really good today. We had a guest lecturer that talked about homophobia and how badly the LGBT-community are treated by some people. The guest lecturer were a gay man that works with a programme that gives young people in the LGBT-community the chance to get together in a totally homophobia-free environment, where they can be themselves and get the help and support they need to do whatever they might feel like they need to do, whether it's coming out to friends and family or dealing with homophobic behaviour, whatever it might be. They also help people that has been subjected to hate crimes because of their sexual orientation to report this to the police. The amount of hate crimes that go unreported are ridiculously high, so I think it's brilliant that you can go to this programme to get help and support if you think that reporting such incidents on your own is too difficult.

I think LGBT-rights are an important issue to raise. In the developed world of 2014, are we really that uneducated that we can't see each other for what we are, human beings? If you're straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual, pansexual, whatever, you should be able to live your life in a completely normal manner without having to deal with homophobic pricks who think they're just that much better than everyone else. Because I can pretty much guarantee, that the same mens men, the same jocks, the same idiots that go around spreading homophobic bullshit are the same guys who sit at home in their bed at night, watching lesbian porn while jerking off. Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you.

this is why I've decided to start volunteering for this programme that I can not for the life of me remember the name of. This is something I truly care about and it's something that's really important to do something about, so why shouldn't I? At some point during our bachelor degree, we are urged to do volunteer work any way beacuse it looks really good on the CV, so I think that I've hit the jackspot with this!

That was my rant of the day, haha! After the lecture was over, I went into town with Liva to get some stuff. Now I have enough food to last me the rest of the semester and whatever might be left on the 4th of April will be put in the freezer until I return in May. I might actually have bought enough food to not have to buy any in may, but that's probably just as well.

When I came home and had put all my stuff away, I just hung out in my room for a while. I'm one of those people that really need some quiet alone time and I think making sure that I get that hour to myself to do nothing each day is really important. I feel like if I take some time to myself then I'm not that stressed. This might be logical to everyone else, but I've never realised until now that if I get in that one hour each day of just total relaxation, then I can go on like usual the rest of the day. I can stay a yes person if I get in that one hour, and I like being a yes person, I like making people happy, I like helping out and I like the fact that people seem to think that they can come to me if they need something. If one Hannah-hour each day can let me stay that way without my heart deciding that it's suddenly had enough, then that's what I'll do. I mean, I've always enjoyed being alone and I've always made the time to be alone, but I've always done something while alone. I've worked on whatever people have needed me to do. I've kept my phone on in case anyone needs me. I don't do that anymore. Hannah-hour means nobody else but me and it's made a huge difference. I know it sound really cheesy and really lame, but as long as it works, I don't really give a shit.

By the way, I do apologise for the language on this blog. At first I never thought that I would swear in these posts, but then I realised that it's part of who I am, so why not. I'll have a description put in at the top right corner, saying that the blog is rated for language or something, just to be politically correct, though. At some point. (maybe).

After spending some time alone with my thoughts, Sharleen and I went over to flat 28 to play Monopoly with Rhys, Liam, Hannah S and Nye, who we're living with next year. It was the first ever Sparkford Close 20A get together and it was a lot of fun. I think I'm going to enjoy next year a lot!

I also got an email today, saying that I am more than welcome to transfer into the first year of Forensic Studies in September. All I need now is to get the paperwork signed and I'll officially (almost) be a Forensic student! I actually can't wait to get my hands on the case files and equipment that the Forensic people get to use. They actually study real case files with real crime scene photos of real dead people and if that's not freaking awesome, then I don't know what is! I'm really glad I made the choice of changing courses, I think it'll serve me in the long run, even though I have sort of wasted a year doing Criminology. However, it's not completely wasted, I'll still be able to put it on my CV and I'll have somewhat of a unique education when I'm finished, so that's good at least!

 It's now a 3.15am and I have a ton of stuff to get done tomorrow, so I'm going to get to bed! Hope you've all had a good day!

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