Wednesday 26 March 2014

First run in months!

I know people who constantly brag about their workouts online are annoying and shouldn't be allowed to have wifi, but I haven't been for a run in months, so I feel like I have an ever so tiny right to brag at the moment. It's 2.30 am and I just got in the  door, sweating and panting. I've been out for half an hour and my legs feel like they're made of led, but it's a good feeling. I mean, a 30 minute run at 2am is better than no run, right? I think so. I know 30 minutes isn't that long, but if I can get out and jog about 3 times a week, it should improve slowly but steadily. I also think that if I go all in and try to work out every single day, I'll get tired of it and quit. However, if I take it slowly, it'll become a habit and a lot easier to keep to. Everything in moderation, right!

Hopefully, I'll be able to work out at the gym where my mum works when I get home for easter and I'm thinking about getting a membership at my old gym for summer holiday. They do group workouts that are really good for your whole body and I kind of miss that! I honestly don't think I've ever been so out of shape as I am now, so it's really time to get my ass off the bed and start doing something. The ones who followed my blog at the beginning, will perhaps remember that I did a 30 day challenge. Well, that went south. I kept going until Kristine came to visit and then I forgot about the whole thing. Hopefully, I'll keep going the way I have for the past week with less sugar and soda, more water and a bit of exercise every now and again, and my summer body should be fit and trained for 2054 (not setting too high hopes for myself, haha)!

One reason why I'm looking forward to going home is that food is expensive. And I don't mean annoyingly expensive like diesel is, but fucking EXPENSIVE! I've always heard grown-ups complain about it (I don't count myself as one yet, no), but I would have never thought that food was this expensive until I actually moved out. However, what I'm really, really looking forward to is fish. My dad works at a fishing boat, as I'm sure I've mentioned before, and we get all the fish we need and more, for free and I can't wait to have a proper fish meal!

Maybe it's time to go to sleep now? Me and Liva are going into town tomorrow and then going to the library. Again. It'll be the 6th time in a row, but I think we're getting close to the end of our workload now. I have about 800 words left on the essay that I'm working on and then I have another one at 2000 words that seems like quite an easy one, and then it's easter! I don't know if I've mentioned this on the blog before, but I'm going to Spain with my mum and brother during easter, so I'll hopefully be nice and tan when I get back!

Definitely time to go to sleep now. Hoping I won't be too stiff and sore tomorrow!

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