- Missed my flight
- Had to have mum buy new tickets
- Strip searched in Stavanger
- Oslo with Kristine
- Consert
- Over weight suitcase
- Not over weight suitcase
- Home
- Sick
It has been an emotional rollercoaster of a weekend. It all started at Friday morning at 7.30am at Winchester Train Station where Liva and I realised our train were non existant. The next train due to leave for Clapham Junction where we would be able to change to Gatwick left so late that I would be at Gatwick at 10am. My flight left at 9.20am. You see the problem? Right. So what do you do?Call mum. Nothing is broken until dad can't fix it and no situation is classified as a crisis until mum can't make new arrangements. So I called mum, crying and panicking slightly. Have I mentioned that I HATE traveling without parent supervision? I hate it. I hate it more than spiders, more than tomatoes and cucumbers, more than not being able to drive. Combined.
Anyway, I called mum. She was at work, obviously, but took the time to call the airline to change tickets. At this point, I was convinced that the concert me and Kristine were going to were that night at 8pm. Mum called me back and said there was one flight at 9pm that night and changing the tickets were roughly 1500 kroner (£150). Ignorant as I was, I told her that the concert were that night and asked if there were another flight available. There were, at 3pm, but changing the tickets were 4000 kroner (£400) and naturally way too expensive. I asked if she could be a hero and check if SAS had any flights that would be a better match. They did. At 12.05pm, 1100 kroner (£110), so she booked a ticket and said I had better get there in time. And so we went. We had new tickets to Reading from where I got a coach to Heathrow. By the way, the thought of leaving from Heathrow scared the crap out of me. It's huge, it's busy, I'd been there only once before, but I was determined to get to the concert in time. So off I went and I was at Heathrow at 10.30am. I had breakfast at, possibly, the most expensive restaurant I've ever been to in England, but the cheapest I could find at the airport and I waited for the information about what gate to leave from.
Finally, I got the gate number and I headed in that direction. Got on the plane and fell asleep before it even took off. I then landed in Stavanger, where I met a Norwegian girl who goes to Winchester University and who I know a little bit. We talked for a bit until we'd gotten our luggage, she showed me where to book it in for my next flight and we went our separate ways.
I checked in the luggage and headed for airport security. This is where it got really interesting. I had 1 hour from my flight from London landed until the flight to Oslo took off and I had forgotten that I had bought a can of Redbull at heathrow that was still in my bag. Naturally, I sent my hand luggage through security and was stopped. At this point I was tired, I was hungry, and I was more than a little bit cranky at the whole travelling thing. the conversation between myself and the airport security guy went something like this:
Him: I see you have a can of liquid in your bag?
Me: Uhm, no?
Him: Yes, you do. Shall we open the bag and have a look?
Me: Sure, go for it..
He opens the bag and finds the can of redbull
He opens the bag and finds the can of redbull
Him: What's this then?
Me: Oh, I don't know, a can of Redbull, maybe?
This was my big mistake. I can't remember the rest of the conversation, but I know I said some less than pleasant things and it all resulted in him getting a female security guard to do a strip search. I was brought into a tiny room and told to undress. I was now angry and upset and humiliated and stressed all at the same time. If this wasn't the ultimate test for my heart medication, I don't know what would be. Anyway, I undressed to my underwear and stopped there. "And then the rest," she said. I asked if this was really necessary, it wasn't as if Iwere carrying drugsor anything. She responded saying that if they were to believe everyone's story, they would never confiscate anything, which in hindsight is fair enough, but at the time it mademe even angrier. Mumbling curses and threaths, I undressed until naked. I think I'll spare you the rest of the details.
Now, just to make things clear, I know it was my own fault. I know they were only doing their job and that they did definitely not deserve for me to be that uncooperative.
Finished with what might have been in the top 10 list of embarrasing situations in my life, I got dressed, repacked my stuff and headed for the gate. I was the last one to board the plane, but I made it just in time.
I finally got to Oslo. After having gotten my suitcase I decided to have something to eat, since I didn't have the time in Stavanger. I got two pizza slices and chocolate milk and I sat down in a corner and devoured my meal in less than five minutes.
Refreshed, I got up, headed for the train station and got on the train. I got to Oslo Central Station and met Kristine, which was a huge relief. Not only was I reunited with one of my closest friends, I didn't was in safe hands where travelling was concerned. We got a bus ticket and headed for her flat. I went to bed at 8pm that night, exhausted but happy to have actually managed to reach my destination.
Saturday! Of course, at some point during Friday, Kristine saw on Facebook that Oslo Ess wasn't playing at Rockefeller that night, but saturday night in stead. I think I were at Heathrow when she messaged me and I got the tickets out to check and she was right. I am glad she was, though. If I had known in Winchester, it would have cost mum £40 more and if the concert had been friday night I would have been way to tired to enjoy it. Anyway! Kristine showed me around Oslo before we headed to Eirik's flat to get him to go have dinner, before we went back to Kristine's flat to have pre drinks and a little unplanned photoshoot. The concert was absolutely amazing and I am so glad I made it in time!
I was wearing my blue, white and black dress and we (read: Kristine) curled my hair.
I got my Oslo Ess-hoodie!!
Me, Kristine and Eirik (at the bottom right corner) before the concert!
I don't have anypictures from the concert, unfortunately, I was way too busy singing, jumping, screaming, shoving, pushing and swearing to get my phone out. There are some people who seem to only go to concerts to make the experience as unbearable for the rest of us as possible, but that didn't ruin it for us, we still had a great time andour favourite band is really as good as ever, if not better!
Sunday morning it was time to go home. Oslo Airport isn't as big an issue for me anymore, I've been there enough times to know my way around by now, but I had to get the bus from Kristines flat to the Central Station alone, because Kristine wasn't feeling all too good, hehe. However, it went fine, I got on the bus and I found my way at the station. I was even able to check in to my flight at the station, so when I got to the airport, all I had to do was to hand it in.
Another problem arose. At the airport, they have those self service check in machines, and Norwegian only lets you take 20 kilograms on board. SAS let you take 22, so that was alright, but my suitcase was 27 kilograms and I had to take the heaviest stuff out of my suit case and put it in the hand luggage or pay 90 kroner (£9) per kilogram. I then had to open the suitcase in the middle of the airport and let everyone see everything I had in there, from underwear and socks to dresses and shoes. Naturally, I did my best to speed up the process and managed to get the weight down to 21 kilograms, but the machine just would not budge. I thought "you know what? I can spare 90 kroner." and headed for the lady behind the counter. She weighed my suitcase, put a red tag on it that said "heavy" and told me to have a pleasant flight. In other words, I probably could have put another one or two kilos of clothes and shoes in there and not been fined. Which was lovely, now I was dragging along half my suitcase in my already ruined blue bag and I could not wait for this nightmare of a trip to be over. I got to security, and what happens? The bloody thing beeped on me. I turned around and tried again and luckily, it was alright, because otherwise I think I would have broken down in tears.
I found which gate to go to, found the gate and waited for boarding to start. Obviously, there were three or four of those obnoxiously annoying kids running around screaming and shouting, but at that point I was slightly apathic about the whole thing and decided not to give a crap. I got on the plane, sat down and closed my eyes. I was nearly there, just an hours flight left and I would see my mum and my brother and I could rest. Naturally, a guy came up and said "hey, you're in my seat." And naturally, since I have such a sweet disposition when I'm tired and annoyed, I replied "hey, no I'm not." Turned out I was. I really do need to work on my manners under certain circumstances..
Got in my seat, which of course was placed directly behind the obnoxiously annoying kids from before, and we finally had lift off. I fell asleep after the Fasten your seatbelt-sign had turned on again at the end of the flight and woke suddenly when the plane hit the ground, but I was there. I got my hand luggage, I got my suitcase and went to find my mum.
Yesterday, I really didn't do much. I just hung out at home, watching Norwegian TV and eating free food (never take free food for granted, kids).
Today I woke up, clogged. No, seriously, I can't breathe. I'm sick and I'm pretty sure it's due to that ridiculoussly cold bench me and Kristine were sitting at after the concert while waiting for Eirik. To be fair though, I had the best kebab of my life just half an hour later, so it's fine.
Tomorrow I'm going to the doctors, to talk about what to do about my driverslicens and all that as well as getting some information about the medication I'm on, how long I have to take it and so on. I am definitely loking forward to that and I already have a whole list of questions for the good doctor who's been my GP since the GP service was initiated. It's a shame he's retiring, really. Anyway, I'm going to sleep, hoping that my cold will be better by tomorrow!
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