Thursday, 24 April 2014

Do you want to build a snowman?

Have you seen Frozen? It's the cutest little film ever! I'd seen lots of spoilers on Tumblr before seing the actual film, but I was definitely not disappointed! Lately, meaning the last three days, I've been playing 'Do you want to build a snowman' and 'Let it go' on piano. I love the first one so much because it's funny and sad and cute all at the same time and there's so much to do with it when making a cover version.

Anyway, life hasn't been just piano playing and cute little songs in the past few days. Actually I never play as much piano as the times when there's stuff I feel like I need to get away from, get a break from. I've applied to all the jobs I can think of but there's nobody that needs workers at the moment. I can't get a hold of Registry at the university to find out if I will have to take a gap year and they haven't replied to my email. The thing is, after I wrote the last post, I called Lanekassen, which is the state owned organization that sorts out student finance for Norwegian students, and it turns out that it isn't the year after next I will go without funding, it's the upcoming year. In other words, I have to get the university to understand that I need those three extra modules for next year if they want me as a student at all. If they can't put me on the list for three modules from other courses, then I won't be able to go to uni in September. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a flat that I've signed a contract for.. I'll have to pay rent until we can find someone who can take over my room, which means that I'll have to pay the £5000 in July and not know how much I'll get back.. This also puts some stress on my flatmates and I have that I might have to do this to them.

On top of everything I can't say that the thought of delaying my education a whole year and living at home from the end of may this year to mid September next year is one that makes me happy. I really don't want to move back home, I want to finish my education and start working for real. Not some crappy, dead end job that'll never get me anywhere, but a real job, one that I'll need qualifications for, a job that I'll have worked hard to get. Maybe I'll even have a shot at Scotland yard! I don't want to delay that for a whole year. Then again, I am fully aware that I might have to and that if the school says that this is what the rules are like, that I can't have any more modules than what my course says I can. Still, I'm sure that anyone understands that the thought of working for over a year to make £20,000 to cover tuition and the flat and everything and then pay £10,500 to the school to not even have the normal 8 modules, to lose out on 3 whole modules kind of sucks.

Anyway! Happy thoughts, the war isn't lost yet! At the moment, and I know it sounds strange, but I smell like a garage. My brother and I have just helped my uncle change the tyres on his car. Yes, I know how to do that. I like doing stuff like that, and to be honest, I wish I had the oportunity to do more of it. A point on my bucketlist is definitely to learn how to do an oil change and I swear, I'm going to get my dad to teach me this summer.

About time to go to bed now? Think so. Have a good day (tomorrow)!

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