Sunday, 27 April 2014

Job interview!!!

One of my friends work at the gas station in the village next to mine and she managed to get me an interview with her boss today! I realy hope I get it, I can't handle just walking around at home, not doing anything. It feels so weird having been home so long without working at all. So, basically, wish me luck and cross your fingers and all that! 

I'm having a fashion crisis at the moment. What do you wear to a job interview at a gas station? I don't want to come across as high maintenance but not as a slob either.. Might just wear my maxi skirt, a top and converse, but stuff like this freaks me out. Still, he probably won't look to much at my clothes, it's not like it's a clothing store.. Right, girly overthinking won't get me anywhere. Maxi skirt and top it is! 

When I get home from the, I'm going to visit said friend and her son, Lucas, because I'm looking after him tomorrow while she's at a driving lesson. I can honestly say that I'm more nervous about being alone with a 1,5 year old than going to a job interview, mostly because I haven't met him since he was about 3 months old, but I think we'll be alright. I love children so, hopefully, it'll work out just fine. 

Right, I've got to get dressed now. As I said, wish me luck!

Friday, 25 April 2014

Sleep rape VS assault rape

In the last few days, we've had a discussion going on in the media in Norway about systematicly grading the seriousness of rape cases. As far as I've understood, without having read all the articles about it, but a fair few still, there's been a thought that there should be a grading system in place so that we can label the seriousness of any rape case. Also, again as I've understood, it's been said or hinted about how sleep rape isn't as serious as assault rape, and that's what I'm focusing on right now. These are my thoughts on the matter.

Apparently, sleep rape isn't as serious as assault rape because the victim is likely to have flirted with the perpetrator earlier in the evening. Sleep rapes are usually carried out by someone that knows the victim or that has gone to bed with the victim following a party. Does that make sleep rape okay? If you are woken up by your one night stand shoving his reproductive organ into you using nothing but force, are you supposed to accept it because you flirted with him earlier in the night? Because you slept with him before falling asleep? What if the offender is your boyfriend or husband, is it okay for them to rape you in your sleep because you love them, trust them, because you have a close relationship with them? NO. 

Assault rape is what we recognise as being attacked by a stranger and dragged off into a bush. This is clearly serious cases and also the cases where the perpetrator are most likely to not even be found as a suspect because they are usually not known by the victim. Is it okay? No, and I think we all agree on that.

Now, what's more serious? Sleep rape or assault rape? My opinion is that the two can't be compared. In the case of a sleep rape, the victim can find themselves unable to trust other people afterwards because the assailant was someone they loved and trusted, impairing the victim of the ability to findsomeone they can trust and open up to in the same way again. If the perpetrator was a one night stand, trust issues towards unknown people still applies. In the case of an assault rape, the victim could find themselves frightened to leave the house at night if at all. The chance of physical injury might also be greater as the perpetrator has no relationship to the victim and could be less likely to care if they live or die.

By the way, would you say that being raped while asleep is not assault? Because I certainly would. It's forced intercourse, no matter how you look at it and it's assault either way.

What I'm trying to say is that there's no way to say which is more serious. The seriousness of the offence has to be seen from the victims eyes, The seriousness of the assault comes down to the greatness of the physical and psycological trauma to the victim, not the type of situation in which it was sustained. The seriousness of rape cases can not be labeled from the type of situation, because not everyone handles trauma in the same way. Some handle trauma well and are able to go back to their normal lives faster than others. Each rape case is unique and has to be seen as unique. There can't be any short cuts in dealing with rape cases.

To be perfectly honest, I can't wait to be done with my education so I can deal with these kinds of issues myself. I can't wait to be able to give my opinions as a professional, and believe me, there'll be some opinions out there from yours truly once I've got a degree and a badge, just wait for it!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Do you want to build a snowman?

Have you seen Frozen? It's the cutest little film ever! I'd seen lots of spoilers on Tumblr before seing the actual film, but I was definitely not disappointed! Lately, meaning the last three days, I've been playing 'Do you want to build a snowman' and 'Let it go' on piano. I love the first one so much because it's funny and sad and cute all at the same time and there's so much to do with it when making a cover version.

Anyway, life hasn't been just piano playing and cute little songs in the past few days. Actually I never play as much piano as the times when there's stuff I feel like I need to get away from, get a break from. I've applied to all the jobs I can think of but there's nobody that needs workers at the moment. I can't get a hold of Registry at the university to find out if I will have to take a gap year and they haven't replied to my email. The thing is, after I wrote the last post, I called Lanekassen, which is the state owned organization that sorts out student finance for Norwegian students, and it turns out that it isn't the year after next I will go without funding, it's the upcoming year. In other words, I have to get the university to understand that I need those three extra modules for next year if they want me as a student at all. If they can't put me on the list for three modules from other courses, then I won't be able to go to uni in September. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a flat that I've signed a contract for.. I'll have to pay rent until we can find someone who can take over my room, which means that I'll have to pay the £5000 in July and not know how much I'll get back.. This also puts some stress on my flatmates and I have that I might have to do this to them.

On top of everything I can't say that the thought of delaying my education a whole year and living at home from the end of may this year to mid September next year is one that makes me happy. I really don't want to move back home, I want to finish my education and start working for real. Not some crappy, dead end job that'll never get me anywhere, but a real job, one that I'll need qualifications for, a job that I'll have worked hard to get. Maybe I'll even have a shot at Scotland yard! I don't want to delay that for a whole year. Then again, I am fully aware that I might have to and that if the school says that this is what the rules are like, that I can't have any more modules than what my course says I can. Still, I'm sure that anyone understands that the thought of working for over a year to make £20,000 to cover tuition and the flat and everything and then pay £10,500 to the school to not even have the normal 8 modules, to lose out on 3 whole modules kind of sucks.

Anyway! Happy thoughts, the war isn't lost yet! At the moment, and I know it sounds strange, but I smell like a garage. My brother and I have just helped my uncle change the tyres on his car. Yes, I know how to do that. I like doing stuff like that, and to be honest, I wish I had the oportunity to do more of it. A point on my bucketlist is definitely to learn how to do an oil change and I swear, I'm going to get my dad to teach me this summer.

About time to go to bed now? Think so. Have a good day (tomorrow)!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

I'm back!

I haven't forgot you. I know it seems like I have, but I haven't. I'm back bitches, and this is what I've been doing for the past 10 days!


Playa del Ingles was absolutely amazing. The temperature was just perfect, it wasn't cold, but it wasn't so hot that we were half dying on the beach, secretly wanting to go back home. We had some days of less good weather, the day we arrived it was actually raining! However, I'm sort of glad it did because it gave us the chanse to walk around townand get to know the place a little before spending the rest of the week lying spread eagled on the beach. We also had a day where we could hardly see the sun for all the clouds, so that day I decided that sun cream was unnecessary. Do I need to mention that I was so sun burned that I didn't sleep much the following night? Probably not.

Yep. Sun burned, alright! Apart from the places where my sun glasses covered the skin, of course, making me look like a reversed panda.. Anyway! See the necklace I'm wearing? IT'S A DRAGON! I got it at a jewelry store in Playa del Ingles and his name is Norbert. He's a Norwegian Ridgeback and if that makes you think that I'm the biggest Harry Potter geek you've ever met, then that sounds about right.

We didn't actually do much, we didn't go on any excursions or anything, we just relaxed and recharged batteries, but that's really all I wanted to do, just get away from everything and not really need to think about anything at all. We ate a lot of good food, got tanned and read a lot. It really was all I wanted it to be. Happy with the way the trip turned out!

Outside the hotel, the day we left.

Since I came back, reality has given me a shock or two. I'm having some issues getting enough modules for next year, because I've already done three of them. However, if I don't do 8 modules next year, I won't get funding from Norway to study the year after and since I don't exactly have £10,500 to pay for tuition myself, that could be a problem. Worst case scenario, I'll have to take a gap year between next year and the year after to make enough money to pay for everything, and I am definitely not prepared to do that!

I've also kind of been let off from work. I haven't been fired, I haven't quit, but they simply don't have room for me anymore. I do understand it though, sales has quadrupled since september when we changed the consept of the restaurant and since I'm not home that much, my skills are a bit rusty. They have a team of people that work well together and that makes things run smoothly and I completely understand that that makes my boss reluctant to change things, since they are already running so smoothly. In other words, I'll get called in in an emergency when nobody else can work, but I can't rely on that for money until September, so I've started looking for something else to do. The plan is to apply at the store across the street, which is a food store like Sainsbury's and M&S, my boss where I've used to work knows  the guy who runs that store, so he'll give me a good reccomendation and I'll hopefully be able to work there! I'm also applying to a gas station in the next "town". They make fast food and stuff and I have a lot of experience in that area, so hopefully I'll get that as well and I can work my ass off all summer! I really do need the money because I think the money I get from Norway to cover tuition and rent and everything this autumn might be a little short, since the rent is more expensive and with bills and everything, I really need a buffer to fall back on in case it isn't enough. Grown up points? I think so.

Today, I'm taking on the role of telephone lady. I have a lot of stuff to work out and hopefully I'll get through them all today. The good thing is that since my brother is at school an my mum is at work, I have the house all to myself! Oh, and my dad comes home on the 30th! I haven't seen him since I drove him to the ship on the 2nd of January so I'm really looking forward to him coming home! I'll probably cling to him like a dog to its owner for a while, but I'm a daddy's girl, and I think he appretiates the fact that I like spending time with him when I have the chance, so that's alright.

Right, I think that's enough rambling from me in one go, don't you? Yeah, thought so.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

What a weekend!

Some key words/sentences for this weekend:

  • Missed my flight
  • Had to have mum buy new tickets
  • Strip searched in Stavanger
  • Oslo with Kristine
  • Consert
  • Over weight suitcase
  • Not over weight suitcase
  • Home
  • Sick
It has been an emotional rollercoaster of a weekend. It all started at Friday morning at 7.30am at Winchester Train Station where Liva and I realised our train were non existant. The next train due to leave for Clapham Junction where we would be able to change to Gatwick left so late that I would be at Gatwick at 10am. My flight left at 9.20am. You see the problem? Right. So what do you do?Call mum. Nothing is broken until dad can't fix it and no situation is classified as a crisis until mum can't make new arrangements. So I called mum, crying and panicking slightly. Have I mentioned that I HATE traveling without parent supervision? I hate it. I hate it more than spiders, more than tomatoes and cucumbers, more than not being able to drive. Combined. 

Anyway, I called mum. She was at work, obviously, but took the time to call the airline to change tickets. At this point, I was convinced that the concert me and Kristine were going to were that night at 8pm. Mum called me back and said there was one flight at 9pm that night and changing the tickets were roughly 1500 kroner (£150). Ignorant as I was, I told her that the concert were that night and asked if there were another flight available. There were, at 3pm, but changing the tickets were 4000 kroner (£400) and naturally way too expensive. I asked if she could be a hero and check if SAS had any flights that would be a better match. They did. At 12.05pm, 1100 kroner (£110), so she booked a ticket and said I had better get there in time. And so we went. We had new tickets to Reading from where I got a coach to Heathrow. By the way, the thought of leaving from Heathrow scared the crap out of me. It's huge, it's busy, I'd been there only once before, but I was determined to get to the concert in time. So off I went and I was at Heathrow at 10.30am. I had breakfast at, possibly, the most expensive restaurant I've ever been to in England, but the cheapest I could find at the airport and I waited for the information about what gate to leave from. 

Finally, I got the gate number and I headed in that direction. Got on the plane and fell asleep before it even took off. I then landed in Stavanger, where I met a Norwegian girl who goes to Winchester University and who I know a little bit. We talked for a bit until we'd gotten our luggage, she showed me where to book it in for my next flight and we went our separate ways. 

I checked in the luggage and headed for airport security. This is where it got really interesting. I had 1 hour from my flight from London landed until the flight to Oslo took off and I had forgotten that I had bought a can of Redbull at heathrow that was still in my bag. Naturally, I sent my hand luggage through security and was stopped. At this point I was tired, I was hungry, and I was more than a little bit cranky at the whole travelling thing. the conversation between myself and the airport security guy went something like this:

Him: I see you have a can of liquid in your bag?
Me: Uhm, no?
Him: Yes, you do. Shall we open the bag and have a look?
Me: Sure, go for it..
He opens the bag and finds the can of redbull
Him: What's this then?
Me: Oh, I don't know, a can of Redbull, maybe?

This was my big mistake. I can't remember the rest of the conversation, but I know I said some less than pleasant things and it all resulted in him getting a female security guard to do a strip search. I was brought into a tiny room and told to undress. I was now angry and upset and humiliated and stressed all at the same time. If this wasn't the ultimate test for my heart medication, I don't know what would be. Anyway, I undressed to my underwear and stopped there. "And then the rest," she said. I asked if this was really necessary, it wasn't as if Iwere carrying drugsor anything. She responded saying that if they were to believe everyone's story, they would never confiscate anything, which in hindsight is fair enough, but at the time it mademe even angrier. Mumbling curses and threaths, I undressed until naked. I think I'll spare you the rest of the details. 

Now, just to make things clear, I know it was my own fault. I know they were only doing their job and that they did definitely not deserve for me to be that uncooperative. 

Finished with what might have been in the top 10 list of embarrasing situations in my life, I got dressed, repacked my stuff and headed for the gate. I was the last one to board the plane, but I made it just in time. 

I finally got to Oslo. After having gotten my suitcase I decided to have something to eat, since I didn't have the time in Stavanger. I got two pizza slices and chocolate milk and I sat down in a corner and devoured my meal in less than five minutes. 

Refreshed, I got up, headed for the train station and got on the train. I got to Oslo Central Station and met Kristine, which was a huge relief. Not only was I reunited with one of my closest friends, I didn't was in safe hands where travelling was concerned. We got a bus ticket and headed for her flat. I went to bed at 8pm that night, exhausted but happy to have actually managed to reach my destination. 

Saturday! Of course, at some point during Friday, Kristine saw on Facebook that Oslo Ess wasn't playing at Rockefeller that night, but saturday night in stead. I think I were at Heathrow when she messaged me and I got the tickets out to check and she was right. I am glad she was, though. If I had known in Winchester, it would have cost mum £40 more and if the concert had been friday night I would have been way to tired to enjoy it. Anyway! Kristine showed me around Oslo before we headed to Eirik's flat to get him to go have dinner, before we went back to Kristine's flat to have pre drinks and a little unplanned photoshoot. The concert was absolutely amazing and I am so glad I made it in time! 

I was wearing my blue, white and black dress and we (read: Kristine) curled my hair.

I got my Oslo Ess-hoodie!!

Me, Kristine and Eirik (at the bottom right corner) before the concert! 

I don't have anypictures from the concert, unfortunately, I was way too busy singing, jumping, screaming, shoving, pushing and swearing to get my phone out. There are some people who seem to only go to concerts to make the experience as unbearable for the rest of us as possible, but that didn't ruin it for us, we still had a great time andour favourite band is really as good as ever, if not better! 

Sunday morning it was time to go home. Oslo Airport isn't as big an issue for me anymore, I've been there enough times to know my way around by now, but I had to get the bus from Kristines flat to the Central Station alone, because Kristine wasn't feeling all too good, hehe. However, it went fine, I got on the bus and I found my way at the station. I was even able to check in to my flight at the station, so when I got to the airport, all I had to do was to hand it in. 

Another problem arose. At the airport, they have those self service check in machines, and Norwegian only lets you take 20 kilograms on board. SAS let you take 22, so that was alright, but my suitcase was 27 kilograms and I had to take the heaviest stuff out of my suit case and put it in the hand luggage or pay 90 kroner (£9) per kilogram. I then had to open the suitcase in the middle of the airport and let everyone see everything I had in there, from underwear and socks to dresses and shoes. Naturally, I did my best to speed up the process and managed to get the weight down to 21 kilograms, but the machine just would not budge. I thought "you know what? I can spare 90 kroner." and headed for the lady behind the counter. She weighed my suitcase, put a red tag on it that said "heavy" and told me to have a pleasant flight. In other words, I probably could have put another one or two kilos of clothes and shoes in there and not been fined. Which was lovely, now I was dragging along half my suitcase in my already ruined blue bag and I could not wait for this nightmare of a trip to be over. I got to security, and what happens? The bloody thing beeped on me. I turned around and tried again and luckily, it was alright, because otherwise I think I would have broken down in tears. 

I found which gate to go to, found the gate and waited for boarding to start. Obviously, there were three or four of those obnoxiously annoying kids running around screaming and shouting, but at that point I was slightly apathic about the whole thing and decided not to give a crap. I got on the plane, sat down and closed my eyes. I was nearly there, just an hours flight left and I would see my mum and my brother and I could rest. Naturally, a guy came up and said "hey, you're in my seat." And naturally, since I have such a sweet disposition when I'm tired and annoyed, I replied "hey, no I'm not." Turned out I was. I really do need to work on my manners under certain circumstances.. 

Got in my seat, which of course was placed directly behind the obnoxiously annoying kids from before, and we finally had lift off. I fell asleep after the Fasten your seatbelt-sign had turned on again at the end of the flight and woke suddenly when the plane hit the ground, but I was there. I got my hand luggage, I got my suitcase and went to find my mum. 

Yesterday, I really didn't do much. I just hung out at home, watching Norwegian TV and eating free food (never take free food for granted, kids). 

Today I woke up, clogged. No, seriously, I can't breathe. I'm sick and I'm pretty sure it's due to that ridiculoussly cold bench me and Kristine were sitting at after the concert while waiting for Eirik. To be fair though, I had the best kebab of my life just half an hour later, so it's fine. 

Tomorrow I'm going to the doctors, to talk about what to do about my driverslicens and all that as well as getting some information about the medication I'm on, how long I have to take it and so on. I am definitely loking forward to that and I already have a whole list of questions for the good doctor who's been my GP since the GP service was initiated. It's a shame he's retiring, really. Anyway, I'm going to sleep, hoping that my cold will be better by tomorrow! 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Operation suitcase: packed

My suitcase is full (and probably way too heavy), my clothes for tomorrow are ready, I've got my passport in my bag, the reference number to check in to the flight on my phone and I've printed out the Oslo Ess-tickets. My makeup is ready, the alarm is set and all electrical equipment are being charged. I have all seven Harry Potter books downloaded to the Tab2, so the fligh will, well, fly. Hehe. The alarm is going off in 3,5 hours!

I'm coming home.

Or rather, I'm coming to Kristine's home, but whatevs.

I can't wait now. Kristine and I went to see Oslo Ess in desember of 2012 and it's one of the best experiences I've had. Can't wait to see them again, this time performing from their new album, which is freaking great by the way, and at Rockefeller as well! I've never been there, but I've heard it's a good live concert venue.

I have some great news from today that I want to share! My friend Camilla who has cancer has been told that the cancer markers in her blood has dropped to normal levels! She's going to a meeting with the doctors in Trondheim, but hopefully, she'll be alright!

I also got some good news for myself today. There was this one module last semester that I failed an assignment in and that causes you to fail the module. However, because I got a first in the other assignment in that module, I passed! I aslo went to pick up the weekly wiki hate crime blog thingy that we did for intro to crim 2 and I got 65%! Well happy with todays happenings!

Now I'm going to go to sleep and dream about the stuff I'm going to buy at the tax free shop tomorrow. Extremely excited to go to Norway now! I'll have wifi where ever I go, I won't have to speak english (which I'm probably going to miss because I like speaking English) and I won't be financially dependent anymore. Being in charge of your own economy is exhausting. Kids, trust me, moving out is great, it's fun, it's everything you've ever dreamed of and more. However, it's the "more" part that's annoying. That "more" part contains all the responsibility that you get when you move out, so if you learn anything from this post or this log or from me or whatevs, I'm hoping it'll be this: DO NOT TAKE LIVING WITH YOUR PARENTS FOR GRANTED.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to move back home, I'd go crazy, but what I'm saying is that relying on your self for everything isn't easy. You'll miss home, I promise.

Right, I was going to bed, wasn't I? I was. Next time I blog, I'll be in Norway!!!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

So many good things happening all at once!

I am actually in a right state at the moment. There are so many good things happening all at once, it's a bit overwhelming actually! I thought I'd list it all up for you, just to do my best to really explait the opportunity of rubbing my happiness in your faces.

  • Camilla told me that the cancer markers in her blood has gone down!
  • My last lecture of the year was on monday. No more lectures until september! That's like.. 6-7 months!
  • I just finished the last essay due before easter!
  • I've had confirmation that I am definitely changing course, starting BA Forensic Studies in September!
  • The deposit on the house is payed.
  • Plane tickets London - Oslo on friday and Oslo - Ă…lesund on sunday is sorted.
  • Kristine and I have tickets to go see our favourite band, Oslo Ess, live at Rockefeller on friday night.
  • I get to spend my weekend in Oslo with my favourite ginger in the whole wide world, with wine and girl talk and gossip and good food. Can't wait!
  • Sunday, I finally get to go home and see my mum and brother! Haven't seen my brother since I left for England in January, so I really can't wait to see him again!
  • I talked to one of my coworkers and there's a possibility that I'll be able to work during easter brake!
  • on the 12th I'm going to Playa del Ingles with mum and lil bro' to relax and read and get tanned.
They say that life is like an arrow, that when you feel like you're being dragged backwards you just need to wait it out, because it's a sign that life's going to shoot you forward and that's really what's happening at the moment. I've been feeling lousy lately, being scared for Camilla, not knowing what's going to happen, not sleeping properly and so on. However, since getting the news that the cancer markers are reducing, and because I've finally finished the work load that was weighing me down, I really feel good. I feel 15 pounds lighter, like I can do anything. 

I don't know, maybe I'm just hopped up on spaghetti bolognese or something, but regardless of reason, I feel really great. 

Anyway! I've been trying to pack my suitcase the last few days, so all my clothes and makeup and hair products and, basically, the rest of my materialistic life, is spread out on the floor. My room looks like a tornado came in and took a shit before leaving again, which is lovely. Now I've got to clean up and hoover because later I'm meeting Liva at the pub, we're having one last pub dinner before going home, and then we're coming back to mine to have mini pre's before going back to the pub to drink and have a good time. 

Hope everyone's feeling just as good as I am today! :)